Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

(Redirected from Windows 10 version 1709)
Not to be confused with Windows 10 Creators Update, its previous update.
Windows 10 Fall Creators Update
Version of Microsoft Windows
OS familyWindows 10 (NT 10.0)
CodenameRedstone 3
Architecturex86, x64, ARM64
Latest build10.0.16299.2166
Release date2017-10-17
Support end2019-04-09 (Home, Pro)
2020-10-13 (Enterprise, Education)
Server counterpart
Windows Server, version 1709
Windows 10 Creators Update
Replaced by
Windows 10 April 2018 Update

Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (version 1709, codenamed Redstone 3) is an update for Windows 10, which was released to the public on 17 October 2017.

It is the first client version of Windows to support the ARM64 architecture.

It is the first version of Windows 10 where flight-signed binaries are not considered invalid past the end-entity certificate expiration date without a signed Secure Boot policy containing a configuration that allows them.

New features and changes[edit | edit source]

  • Added OneDrive Files on Demand.
  • A new design language called Fluent Design System was added. It incorporates more light, depth, motion, scale, and transparency.
  • Improvements to Inking and Handwriting.
  • Added My People to the taskbar.
  • Task Manager can now show GPU resource usage alongside CPU, memory, disk, and network resource usage.
  • The Touch Keyboard is completely rebuilt on WordFlow and SwiftKey technologies.
  • Updates to Microsoft Edge.
  • Updates to Cortana. The Cortana settings have been moved to a dedicated Settings page.
  • Added Power Throttling.
  • Added support for Motion Controllers in Windows Mixed Reality.
  • Added new security features.
  • Added ability to send links from a phone to a PC.
  • Privacy changes.
  • Removed SAM Lock Tool (SYSKEY.EXE).
  • 3D Builder is no longer installed by default in clean installations.
  • SMB1 is disabled by default.
  • Leftover Help and Support Center articles have been removed.
  • Windows Mail leftovers have been cleaned up.
  • The address used by Windows Media Player's metadata lookup function has been updated.

Leftovers[edit | edit source]

Default Programs control panel[edit | edit source]

Starting from this version, all links except for AutoPlay in the Default Programs control panel redirect to Settings. However, in this version the old control panel UIs are still present and can be accessed with the following commands:

  • Set your default programs: explorer shell:::{17cd9488-1228-4b2f-88ce-4298e93e0966} -Microsoft.DefaultPrograms\pageDefaultProgram
  • Associate a file type or protocol with a program: explorer.exe shell:::{17cd9488-1228-4b2f-88ce-4298e93e0966}\pageFileAssoc
  • Set program access and computer defaults: ComputerDefaults.exe

List of known builds[edit | edit source]

Pre-Insider Preview[edit | edit source]

Insider Preview (rs_prerelease branch)[edit | edit source]

Insider Preview (rs3_release branch)[edit | edit source]

Pre-RTM[edit | edit source]

RTM[edit | edit source]