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Windows NT 3.51 build 1057.1 (IBM PowerPC Edition) is a specialized OEM release of Windows NT 3.51 dubbed the PowerPC Edition, recompiled specifically for the ThinkPad Power Series line of computers. The OEM release in particular targets the ThinkPad 820 and 850 laptop computers, released to the general public on 24 July 1995.

The build included as part of the available installation media is of a later revision, including suspend and hibernation support, a software MIDI synthesizer, a video CD (MPEG) player, a user interface to show battery life and additional drivers for the supported hardware (including custom volume control applications as part of the Crystal Semiconductor CS4231/CS4232 drivers).


Latest released builds

iOS 18.3.1

macOS Sequoia 15.3.1

Windows 11 Dev (2024 Update Dev Channel)

Windows 11 Beta (2023 Update Beta Channel)

Windows 11 Canary (Selenium)

Windows Server LTSC Preview (Germanium)

Recently shared builds

Windows Phone 7.5

Windows 10 November Update

Windows 10 Creators Update

Windows 10 Mobile Fall Creators Update