Xbox OS

Not to be confused with the system software for the original Xbox, which was also called Xbox OS internally.
Xbox OS
Version of Microsoft Windows
Initial releaseWindows 8 (NT 6.2) codebase
(22 November 2013)
(with original Xbox One console)
Latest releaseWindows 11 (NT 10.0) codebase
Supported platformsAMD64

Xbox OS (codenamed Durango) is a MinWin-derived firmware developed by Microsoft to run on the Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S consoles, which was released with the original Xbox One console on 22 November 2013. Versions before November 2015 are based on the Windows 8 codebase, whereas later versions are based on the Windows 10 and Windows 11 codebases.

It includes a host OS that contains a heavily modified version of the Hyper-V hypervisor. It also includes two partitions, namely Exclusive Resource Access (games) and Shared (multitasking), that feature custom virtual machines reserved for running under different environments and applications.

List of notable builds[edit | edit source]

Alpha Kit[edit | edit source]

Beta Kit[edit | edit source]

RTM[edit | edit source]

Launch Day Update[edit | edit source]

Preview[edit | edit source]

GA (General Avaliability)[edit | edit source]