Windows 10X

Windows 10X
Version of Microsoft Windows
OS familyWindows 10 (NT 10.0)
CodenameCharles de Gaulle (CDG)
Architecturex64, ARM64
Latest build10.0.20279.1002
Product types
Based on
Windows Core OS

Windows 10X (codenamed Charles de Gaulle or CDG after the Paris airport)[a] is a canceled version of Microsoft Windows, intended for both single-screen and dual-screen tablets. It is based on Windows Core OS in a similar fashion to ill-fated Polaris project. Development of the operating system was announced on 2 October 2019[1] and was subsequently halted in February 2021;[2] it was eventually canceled in May of the same year, with some key functionalities being incorporated to Windows 11 and other Microsoft products.[3]

The operating system featured a new GUI stack using DirectX and UWP. Although it still contains the Win32 subsystem, the base system does not include the old USER/GDI stack and legacy Win32 apps have to run virtualized, either using remoting or a purpose-built container.[4]

List of known builds[edit | edit source]

Pre-Public Preview[edit | edit source]

Vibranium[edit | edit source]

Manganese[edit | edit source]

Public Preview[edit | edit source]

Manganese[edit | edit source]

Iron[edit | edit source]

Cobalt[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Microsoft had multiple WCOS-based product releases named after real-world airports, including LSX (Lhok Sukon) - scrapped Surface Hub successor, CDG (Charles de Gaulle) - Windows 10X, and JTR (Santorini Airport) - later turned into Centaurus, supposed to ship as part of Surface Neo.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Megiddo, Eran. Introducing Windows 10X: enabling dual-screen PCs in 2020, Windows Experience Blog. 2 October 2019.
  2. Bowden, Zac. Windows 10X is on ice as Microsoft focuses efforts on rejuvenating Windows 10 desktop instead, Windows Central. 7 May 2021.
  3. Cable, John. How to get the Windows 10 May 2021 Update, Windows Experience Blog. 18 May 2021.
  4. Parmar, Mayank. Windows 10 X to support Win32 apps, Sandbox & other features, Windows Latest. 21 November 2019.