Windows 10 Mobile build 16241

Build of Windows 10 Mobile
OS familyWindows 10 (NT 10.0)
Version number10.0
Build number16241
Build revision1001
Build labrs_onecore_base2
Compiled on2017-07-08

Windows 10 Mobile build 16241 is the final mainline build of Windows 10 Mobile and the Windows Phone family as a whole. The build was shared on 21 March 2025 as a set of Mobile Adaption Kit packages in both the production and test variants, and can be installed via the iutool utility.

As a result of this build being the last mainline build, many features and aspects of it are simply broken, unstable and in some cases, crash the operating system. This build is also not bootable by default, due to the code for booting Mobile builds in winload.efi being stripped out shortly before this build was compiled, requiring the use of an older winload.efi.

Bugs and quirks[edit | edit source]

  • By default, this build is not bootable due to code relating to Mobile bootup being removed from the operating system. As such, it is required to replace winload.efi with a copy from build 16235 for this build to be able to boot.
  • The Splash composer is completely broken in this build, requiring the use of the CShell composer instead.

Gallery[edit | edit source]