
I like computers, their technology and, especially, .NET development using Visual Studio.

Current status on this website[edit | edit source]

You may notice that I'm no longer very active here. This is because I have other things to do (and projects to work on), and researching and preserving beta builds of software takes a while. I will occasionally hop in to check out what's new here, and I'll see what areas need improvement.

I'm in the process of creating a new page for Visual Studio .NET as I haven't forgotten about my contributions and want to keep doing them. I'll do these when I have time, though.

Be sure to check out my GitHub profile (at the bottom of the page) for all other contributions.

IDEs[edit | edit source]

This may seem crazy, but I have 7 different VS versions installed: 2010, 2012, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022 and 2022 Preview (used to have).

Now I only have Visual Studio 2012, 2017 and 2022. You don't really need or have a use for seven versions of the same IDE...

Have I made a decision regarding VS2012's EOS? Yes, I have; and I have decided to stick with 2012. However, I also use newer versions as well, when I need to.

My IDE setup is as follows (subject to change):

  • IDE: Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 (from VS subscription portal, still my daily driver), Visual Studio Community 2022 (for .NET Core-based projects)
  • RSS feed: (RSS feed that works in old versions)
  • Color scheme: Visual Studio default dark theme (2012), MidnightDeep (2022)
  • Code font: IBM Plex Mono (2012), Cascadia Code (2022)
  • Most notable extension: Git Source Code Provider (by Yiyi Sun et. al.), Color Theme Editor (by Microsoft). I use these 2 with VS2012
  • Debugging tabs/technologies: Autos/Locals, Immediate Window, and a mix of normal and IntelliTrace debugging
  • Account subscription: Visual Studio Dev Essentials

Collections[edit | edit source]

I have the following software collections:

Collection Size More information
Windows logo (2021).svg Windows 11 (no longer up-to-date) 446 GB
Individual sizes of development semesters:
Contains builds from 21380 to the latest thus far (25926)

This collection is no longer up-to-date because it took a long time, plus a lot of space, to create and store the ISOs with UUP Dump. I still grab new Windows Insider builds, but only for testing purposes

Software.png General software 139 GB Contains miscellaneous software
Vs2022 logo.png Visual Studio 72 GB Doesn't contain ISOs of 2017, 2019 or 2022 because of the Installers

Operating systems I have tested[edit | edit source]

Apart from Visual Studio versions, I often test operating systems too. I mostly use VM software (such as VMware), but I also involved my main system.

Here is a log of the operating systems I've tested since 1 January 2023 (log no longer in use due to my inactivity here):

Operating system/build Platform Install date Duration/Status Purpose(s)
Windows XP VMware 2023-07-05 6 days (present in OVA file)
  • General use
Windows 8 Release Preview VMware 2023-06-27 2 hrs 22 mins
Windows 8 Consumer Preview VMware 2023-06-26 4 hrs 20 mins
Windows 8 build 8175.5 VMware 2023-06-15 A couple of hours (present in OVA file)
Windows Developer Preview VMware 2023-06-13 22 days (present in OVA file)
Windows 2000 VMware 2023-03-18 Installed
  • Explore Donkey.NET and try to port it to modern .NET Framework versions
Windows 2000 VMware 2023-03-01 17 days (present as OVA file)
Windows XP build 2428 VMware 2023-02-26 20 mins (present as OVA file)
Windows 7 VMware 2023-02-21 Present as OVA file on external HDD
  • Debug some stuff
Windows 10 version 1703 VMware 2023-02-11 No longer on the system (moved to an external HDD)
Windows XP VMware 2023-02-09 Present as OVA file on external HDD
  • Use Legacy Update to install updates
  • Look at its SBSI (Step-by-Step Interactive)
Windows 10 version 1507 VMware 2023-01-22 No longer on the system (moved to an external HDD)
Windows NT 4.0 VMware 2023-01-13 Present as OVA file on external HDD
Windows 8.1 VMware 2023-01-10 3 hours
Windows 7 VMware 2023-01-05 5 days
Windows Me VMware 2023-01-03 Still present on the system
  • Determine compatibility with VS 2005
Windows 2000 VMware 2023-01-02 Still present on the system
Windows Vista VMware 2023-01-01 2 days
Windows 10 build 9860 VMware 2023-01-01 A few hours (don't remember)
  • Testing whether I would get the XAML (buggy and keyboard-navigated) Start menu

Out of all operating systems I've tested since I began my journey with VMs (back in 2017), here is a ranking of the ones I like most:

Rank OS Pros Cons
1 Windows 7
  • Beautiful UI (the same as Windows Vista)
  • Low usage of resources, compared to newer versions
  • High responsiveness
  • Introduced my favorite administration tool (DISM)
  • Support is out since January 2020
  • Programs will stop supporting it
2 Windows XP
  • It has THE best wallpaper in the history of Windows
  • Snappy UI, and extremely low resource usage
  • The OS I have the most nostalgia on
  • The most consistent interface
  • Few programs support it
  • Support has been unavailable for almost 10 years (non-Embedded POSReady)
3 Windows 11
  • In my opinion, it has the second best wallpaper
  • Clean, modern UI
  • More UI consistency than in Windows 10
  • The usual stuff (system requirements, Microsoft account on Pro editions...)
  • The UI is still not consistent
  • Some areas still say Windows 10
  • The UI redesign makes Windows 11 somewhat limited compared to Windows 10, and it also uses UWP apps, which in my opinion are slow and less stable
4 Windows Vista
  • The most beautiful UI (Aero)
  • The base of modern versions of Windows
  • The longest development time (until Windows 11 came out)
  • One of the most underrated operating systems

Links to other sites[edit | edit source]

This section is still under construction

GitHub.svg CodingWonders
Reddit.svg u/The-Windows-Guy
Archive.svg BetaReporter