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An open encyclopedia of software history

Did you know...

  • ...that the Gizmo theme that was present in Mac OS 8.5b6 originates from Copland as "Z Theme" and was intended for testing the theming service for both versions?
  • ...that Windows XP build 2223 had commented out code in its Business theme file that would allow the user to configure different colors based on its settings?
  • ...that early builds of Windows Me replaced the safe to shutdown screen with a blue screen due to the removal of real-mode MS-DOS?
  • ...that the Neptune project was a cancelled version of Windows that ought to bring a new user interface reminiscent of the Metro elements later introduced in Windows 8?
  • ...that Windows 1.0 and Windows 2.x have a hidden easter egg with a list of members of the Windows team?
  • ...that every Classic Mac OS version since Mac OS 7 renames the "Special" menu to a unique word beginning with S in beta builds for easy identification of such?

Featured article

MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) is a monolithic singletasking operating system developed by Microsoft between 1980 and 2000 for x86-based personal computers. It was the de facto industry standard environment on the IBM PC and its clones, although it also shipped with other x86-based computers that were incompatible with IBM.

By default, MS-DOS is driven by a command line interface – the A> or C:\> prompt shown when the command processor is ready to accept input ultimately became one of the unofficial symbols of DOS. Several software vendors have developed programs that add a more friendly user interface to manage files and launch other programs. Microsoft itself included such a program, the MS-DOS Shell, with some versions of MS-DOS.


Latest released builds

iOS 17.5

macOS Sonoma 14.5

Windows 11 Beta (2023 Update Moment 5)

Windows 11 Dev (2024 Update)

Windows 11 Canary (Germanium)

Windows Server 2025

Recently shared builds


Multitasking MS-DOS

Windows 95

Windows 7

Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows Server 2012

Windows Phone 8.1