Windows 7 build 6776

Build of Windows 7
OS familyWindows NT
Version number6.1
Build number6776
Build revision0
Build labwinmain
Compiled on2008-08-22
Expiration date
Timebomb2009-07-01 (+313 days)
Home Basic (N)
Home Premium
Business (N)
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows 7 build 6776 is a Milestone 3 build of Windows 7. It was shared online on 20 April 2024 alongside build 6498.

New features and changes[edit | edit source]

User interface[edit | edit source]

Boot screen[edit | edit source]

The boot screen has been modified to feature the new looping progress bar design first included as part of build 6758's setup process, replacing the previous full-screen aurora design.

Windows Explorer[edit | edit source]

The Windows Explorer user interface has received further usability changes over the previous available build. Libraries are no longer grouped into categories, and libraries for contacts and Internet URL shortcuts have been removed. Near-final iconography for all Libraries, which show relevant symbols placed on top of glass coasters, have been implemented. A new button and dialog for managing library folders' linked locations has been implemented, and item sorting functions are now moved to the center of the library header.

Taskbar[edit | edit source]

Task icons in the Superbar have been made slightly smaller to accommodate for the task jump list button. Tasks that are focused by the user now have darkened background icons to better indicate the current task, and the background color of both the Superbar and task previews have been significantly darkened, compared to the previous available build.

New feedback designs for hovering over a notification tray element have been added.

Notification tray[edit | edit source]

Tooltips for notification tray items no longer have icons bound to them. The overall design for hidden notification tray items has been changed to no longer sport a black dialog design, instead using translucent border designs and a white foreground dialog design. The button used to show hidden tray items has also been changed to use a new arrow design and a square button shape, in place of the previous circular Vista design.

Flyouts[edit | edit source]

The Windows Solution Center and View Available Networks tray flyouts have been redesigned. The former now sports a smaller design and includes new status iconography featuring the lighthouse seen in earlier builds, whereas the latter now has a wider design with emphasized text and now offers the option to manually refresh the current network status. There is no longer an option to connect to a network in the latter flyout.

Desktop Window Manager[edit | edit source]

More Aero Snap-related animations have been added. They can be triggered by resizing a window to the top or bottom side of the screen. The ripple feedback animation played when snapping a window has also been updated to become more visible to the user.

Internet Explorer[edit | edit source]

Starting Internet Explorer for the first time now prompts the user to set up the browser using Microsoft-recommended settings or use their own desired settings. The "Emulate IE7" button has been moved to the address bar under the new "Compatibility Mode" name.

Compatibility Mode is also no longer enabled by default in Internet Explorer, instead using the Internet Explorer 8 standards compliance mode. Settings for Compatibility View have also been added, allowing the user to add sites to be flagged for Internet Explorer 7 standards. Intranet sites can also be viewed under Compatibility View. The user is given the choice to view all websites under IE7 compatibility mode.

Branding[edit | edit source]

More branding resources related to Windows Vista have been replaced. Both Windows Setup and the logon screen now feature a new ocean background subsequently used in the official beta release. The godrays in the image appear to be a composite of multiple aurora designs from the preceding operating system.

Deprecations and removals[edit | edit source]

Windows Meeting Space has been mostly removed from the operating system after it was initially deprecated and stripped of critical communications code in build 6758. Its related People Near Me feature still remains in the operating system, but has been rendered irrelevant due to the former's absence.

Windows Mail, Windows Photo Gallery and Windows Movie Maker have been declared as deprecated in favor of their Windows Live variations (Windows Live Mail, Windows Live Photo Gallery, Windows Live Movie Maker),[a] with the former application being removed from the operating system entirely.[b] If attempting to upgrade to this build, Windows Setup will notify the user of the aforementioned deprecations and removals.

All sample content from Windows Vista has been temporarily removed.

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

  • The default screen resolution has been changed to 1024×768px.
  • The registered trademark symbol has been removed from operating system branding.

Bugs and quirks[edit | edit source]

Installation[edit | edit source]

Setup may be unable to create partitions due to it not being able to find a valid system volume when using the SCSI interface. Creating a new partition from setup results in only the 200MB MSR drive being created, which also does not have the System flag appended to it. To circumvent this, create a new partition outside of this build.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Windows Setup[edit | edit source]

Out-of-box experience[edit | edit source]

Interface[edit | edit source]

Bluepill-specific[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Windows Photo Gallery remains as a cut-down version of itself.
  2. Components for Windows Mail still remain in the Windows side-by-side component store (and are additionally hard-linked to their respective application folder), but its respective executable (WinMail.exe - part of the Microsoft-Windows-Mail-App component) is no longer included in associated component manifests, and for a brief period of time, was no longer compiled in source. The application executable itself would (under unknown circumstances) eventually start being built and be included in component manifests again at some point during development of either the original Windows 10 release or the Windows 10 November Update, but was still not included in any Windows edition.