Android 14

Android 14
Version of Android
Preliminary name
Latest build
Release date2023-10-04
Support end
Android 13
Replaced by
Android 15

Android 14 is a version of Google's Android OS, which was released on 4 October 2023 to AOSP and actively supported Google Pixel devices. With many other OEMs like Samsung following suit in porting to the new major release.

The platform is supported continuously with monthly releases and Quarterly Platform Releases (QPRs). With the latest version at the time of writing being Android 14-QPR3, with baseline Android 14 no longer being actively developed, alongside 14-QPR1 and 14-QPR2.

Android 14-QPR2 and 14-QPR3 are a new type of quarterly release using the trunk stable development model. Every quarter the platform will advance to a much more recent version of the primary development branch, with incomplete/unreleased functionality being disabled through configuration (aconfig) flags.

List of known builds[edit | edit source]

Developer Previews[edit | edit source]

Beta Releases[edit | edit source]

Stable Releases[edit | edit source]