Windows XP build 2202

Build of Windows XP
OS familyWindows NT
Version number5.0
Build number2202
Build revision1
Compiled on2000-02-02
Expiration date
Timebomb+444 days after original install date
Cert. expiry2000-03-15 (+42 days)
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows XP build 2202 is the earliest available build of Windows XP. It identifies itself as "SD Windows 2000 Professional" in the watermark, where SD refers to the Source Depot version control system that Microsoft was deploying at the time. Otherwise, the build still bears Windows 2000 branding and the NT 5.0 kernel version due to its earliness.

This is the first known build to embed an early form of a build tag into the version information of executable files. Although certain executables associated with prior builds (including late Windows 2000 builds) that were distributed as a part of development kits already included one, only the numeric version was embedded into Windows itself. This build uses the tag 5.0.2202.1 built by: ntvbl06 at: 000202-1835, which shows that the build was compiled by the user account used for Lab06 builds.

Ties to Neptune and Whistler projects[edit | edit source]

For some time there had been a debate on whether this build is a post-RTM build of Windows 2000 or a very early build of Whistler. Many system files in this build contain strings beginning with s:\ntc2, which indicates the source tree from which this build was compiled was initially located in the NTC2 folder. Considering it was compiled after the cancellation of the Neptune project, which had the source tree named NTC, it seems logical to assume that NTC2 refers to Whistler.

The Additional Drivers dialog in the Printers control panel also contains options for "Windows 2001" on AXP64 and IA-64-based machines.[1] The Resource Manager component from Neptune is also present. In addition, support for NDIS 3.0 was removed from this build. This has been verified by viewing the exports of NDIS.SYS. All this rules out the possibility of this build being a post-RTM build of Windows 2000.

Findings[edit | edit source]

"Comments?" link[edit | edit source]

The "Comments?" link from Neptune and later builds of Whistler can be added via a registry modification. To enable it, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop and add the DWORD value LameButtonEnabled and set it to 1. The text of the link can be changed via LameButtonText string key. After adding the registry entries, log off and back on and open any application to get the link. The link does nothing when clicked in this build.

Bugs and quirks[edit | edit source]

  • This build contains a buggy CD-ROM driver, which can cause issues during the installation of this build.

Installation[edit | edit source]

The unmodified version of this build cannot be normally installed (via CD boot) due to a bugcheck during setup. To circumvent this, an MS-DOS boot disk can be used to partition and format the drive, after which setup can be run via WINNT.EXE. Alternatively, the cdrom.sys file located in the \I386 directory of the installation media can be replaced with a version from a different build.

On certain virtualizers and machines, when upgrading from an existing Windows installation via WINNT32.EXE, Setup may ask the user to insert the installation disc during the text-mode part of setup, even if already inserted. It is instead recommended to copy all Setup files from the CD-ROM to the hard disk, and running Setup from there.

File differences[edit | edit source]

The following files have been introduced or removed compared to the RTM build of Windows 2000 Professional:

Added files
Name Description Version
cluscomp.dll Microsoft Cluster Server Setup 5.00.2202.1 built by: ntvbl06 at: 000202-1835
dbgeng.dll User-Mode Symbolic Debugger Engine for Windows 2000 5.00.2202.1 built by: ntvbl06 at: 000202-1835
isrdbg32.dll ISR Debug 32-bit Engine 0.0
resmgr.sys WDM Resoure Manager 5.00.2202.1 built by: ntvbl06 at: 000202-1835
resmgru.dll Resource Manager User Mode 5.00.2202.1 built by: ntvbl06 at: 000202-1835
setuplog.dll What build are you running today? 5.00.2202.1 built by: ntvbl06 at: 000202-1835
setuplog.exe setup info logger 5.00.2202.1 built by: ntvbl06 at: 000202-1835
Removed files
Name Description Version
iasperf.dll IAS Performance Monitoring DLL 5.00.2160.1
iasperf.ini WDM Streaming IOverlay Property Set Interface Handler 5.00.2134.1 ActiveMovie Plug-In Distributor for IKsQualityForwarder 5.00.2134.1
objsel.dll Object Picker Dialog 5.00.2179.1
rasadmin.exe Remote Access Administration Utility 5.00.2188.1
trace.dll Tracing DLL 5.00.2134.1

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]