Windows Server 2008 build 5000 (vbl_core.040806-2000)

Build of Windows Server 2008
OS familyWindows NT
Version number6.0
Build number5000
Build labvbl_core
Compiled on2004-08-06
Expiration date
Timebomb2005-08-01 (+360 days)
Web Server
Product key
About dialog

Windows Server 2008 build 5000 (vbl_core.040806-2000) is a build of Windows Server 2008. On 23 January 2020, this build was listed on a thread by UX.Unleaked blog founder Grabberslasher to be released to the BetaArchive FTP, and was released in the third set of his 33 Longhorn/Vista builds on 26 January 2020, alongside build 4048, several compiles of the client build, the 2004-08-03 compile of the Server build, and build 5001.[1]

This is the last build of Windows Server that does not require ACPI to work since it uses NTLDR. Later Windows Server 2008 builds require ACPI to operate since they use BOOTMGR instead. This is also the last Windows Server build available (excluding Service Packs of its predecessor and the original Home Server release) to have the i386 installation method and it was eventually replaced with WIM images starting from the Beta 1 build.

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