Windows Longhorn build 4029 (main)

Build of Windows Longhorn
OS familyWindows NT
Version number6.0
Build number4029
Build revision0
Build labmain
Compiled on2003-06-19
Expiration date
Timebomb2003-12-16 (+180 days)
Home Edition
Product key
About dialog
Longhorn-6.0.4029 (main)-Winver.png
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows Longhorn build 4029 (main) is a Milestone 5 build of Windows Longhorn, which was shared online on 14 September 2003.[1] This build is notable for the distinctive Pig Latin build string. This was a test of automatic data entry that would become commonplace in later builds and eventually, Vista. A Home Edition SKU of this build is also known to exist, with several screenshots first appearing on Neowin a week before the upload of its Professional counterpart,[2] with an additional image later surfacing onto Twitter on 18 September 2020;[3] the variant is yet to be shared to the public.

NFO file[edit | edit source]

NFO contents[4]


                             General Information
Type.................: Operating System
More Info............:  @  #betas
Number of Parts......: 1
Image Format.........: .iso
Image Created with...: Undisker 1.2
Burn Tested..........: Yes
Special CDR..........: Requires 700 MB / 80 Min CDR

                                Release Notes
                            /\  ______________ \
                           /::\ \ZZZZZZZZZZZZ/\ \
                          /:/\.\ \        /:/\:\ \
                         /:/Z/\:\ \      /:/Z/\:\ \
                        /:/Z/__\:\ \____/:/Z/  \:\ \
                       /:/Z/____\:\ \___\/Z/    \:\ \
                       \:\ \ZZZZZ\:\ \ZZ/\ \     \:\ \
                        \:\ \     \:\ \ \:\ \     \:\ \
                         \:\ \     \:\ \_\;\_\_____\;\ \
                          \:\ \     \:\_________________\
                           \:\ \    /:/ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ/
                            \:\ \  /:/Z/    \:\ \  /:/Z/
                             \:\ \/:/Z/      \:\ \/:/Z/

ISO Name..............: usa_4029__x86fre.pro_longhorn.iso
ISO Size..............: 687MB (704,292kb)
Volume Label..........: LH_4029
Bootable..............: Yes
Activation Required...: Yes
Support...............: Uhm, See MS!; )

                                  Leak Information:
Leakers...............: 1nfin!ty & B3y0nD
Group(s)..............: N/A
Contact...............: The world may never know.  : )

                                Install Notes
Install with any CPP CD Key or use XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. Also it will 
probably require you to activate immediately! Have fun and enjoy this newly 
leaked alpha.

Setup[edit | edit source]

Setup has received major uplifts compared to previous builds of Longhorn, such as build 4020. Upon booting into the Preinstallation Environment, it will refer to itself as "Windows XP Preinstallation Environment", rather than "Windows Setup". The logo, during setup, has also been removed - alongside an additional cancel button at the top right and text at the top left, mentioning about the current page of setup that the user is on. This build also uses a new product key called TCP8W-T8PQJ-WWRRH-QH76C-99FBW, replacing the old CKY24-Q8QRH-X3KMR-C6BCY-T847Y key used in earlier builds. However, only some copies of this build uses the new key.

The hardware portion of setup has been updated slightly, after a long while - showing its text on the bottom, and also now stating that it is detecting hardware. Once completing the hardware portion of setup, setup will restart once again.

New features and changes[edit | edit source]

  • The login screen interface has been updated massively. It features a glass version of the Windows logo folding down to the center of the screen and then showing any login messages while doing so. It also requires Ctrl+Alt+Del to be entered anytime the system is logged out and at startup if automatic logon is not enabled. The user account screen is still slightly similar to that of build 4015 and 4020, however more options have been added and animations were also added.
  • Major updates and improvements to the Windows Explorer shell have been implemented. These new Explorer features include a new toolbar with bigger buttons, larger file previews while hovering with the mouse cursor, column level filters and batch processing of images, which allows multiple images to be rotated simultaneously.
  • The analog clock interface has been updated, removing the Longhorn symbol on the clock. However, the old clock still appears if the user upgraded from an older build.
  • Outlook Express has been updated and gained a new icon. This version of Outlook relies on WinFS, so it crashes on startup if WinFS is disabled.
  • Windows Messenger has been updated to version 5.0.
  • Parental Controls has gained an update to allow audit logging on limited users. However, it is incomplete and trying to view logs result in an "Access is denied" error.
  • Ctrl+Alt+Del now opens a security interface instead of Task Manager. This allows the user to log off, lock the computer, shutdown the computer, and open Task Manager automatically. It also includes info about what time the user has logged onto the computer.
  • Additional view settings are included, such as Carousel and Panorama. However, only the Carousel view is accessible (in the Hardware and Devices) without registry modification.
  • The taskbar and sidebar options, upon right clicking, have been updated - including the options found on the old taskbar, and the tiles sub-menu being merged with the main context menu itself.
  • The Plex theme has received minor uplifts - such as tabs in programs such as Display Properties now having a blue outline, rather than a green outline. Also, the Tahoma font size was changed to 8 and it's no longer bold.
  • The Luna theme had its fonts changed back to Trebuchet MS on the title bars and Tahoma in most places rather than Arial in most places from builds 4005-4020.
  • A new UAC prototype has been added. This can be found in the Help and Support Center, via pressing the Longhorn Help Place button. Although pressing both yes and no will open up an Internet Explorer process, pressing yes will show up what would've been an Avalon Help Center.
  • The Sync Manager feature has been implemented.
  • The Windows Product Activation grace period has been extended to 60 days.
  • Windows Messenger now only accepts internal accounts.

Pig Latin strings[edit | edit source]

This build was among the first to use the Pig Latin string onghornLay rofessionalPay (for Longhorn Professional), onghornLay omeHay ditionEay (for Longhorn Home Edition, unleaked) or onghornLay abletTay PC ditionEay (for Longhorn Tablet PC Edition) in the desktop version string, which caused some to doubt its authenticity; however, this was part of the testing Microsoft had done to propagate the product name and version number throughout the operating system, in order to dramatically simplify the naming process.[5] In previous versions of Windows, changing the product name or version number was a difficult task which required manually editing information in many areas of the user interface.[6]

Theming and DCE[edit | edit source]

This build combines dce.dll and themesrv.dll into a single file named desksrv.dll that is used to implement the resources for the new second-generation DCE from build 4020, such as an early iteration of the Milestone 6 glass frames and an image seemingly for the glass frames on login screen. It uses the DesktopServerEntry parameter. However, DCE is still not functional. See later for explanation.

Bugs and quirks[edit | edit source]

Upgrade[edit | edit source]

When upgrading from build 4020, the user account that initiated the upgrade may have a password applied to the account. To bypass this problem, sign in with the administrator account to remove the password.

Control Panel[edit | edit source]

Many system sounds don't work as they are pointed to the Windows directory instead of the Windows/media directory. Even if the registry entry is modified to point to the Media directory, the sounds often don't work for unknown reasons. This bug persists until build 4093.

Desktop[edit | edit source]

The desktop watermark caption is not bold in a clean installation when the theme is set to Plex due to the Pig Latin change. This does not affect both Luna and Windows Classic. Upgrading from a previous build will utilize the Pig Latin build tag in bold.

Desktop Compositing Engine (DCE)[edit | edit source]

The implementation on desksrv.dll is still incomplete, so it still can't produce glass borders. Instead, it downscales windows and cause display glitches. sbctl.exe has many parameters for controlling DCE, but only the wmgstart and wmgstop parameters works correctly.

Home Edition SKU[edit | edit source]

In Home Edition SKU, winver shows "Professional" edition.

Humorous findings[edit | edit source]

The resource REGINST in %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Avalon\ShellInterop.dll has a few humorous comments:

; !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
; despite all the crap in here, NONE OF THIS GETS CALLED, EVER!!!
; apparently its here because devs like to manually register shellinterop.
; eventually when shellinterop does get registered, we'll go here.
;; NOTE: The following are currently replicated in shell32\selfreg.inx b'cos setup cannot regsvr ShellInterop.dll yet.
;; TODO: Need to make this more targetted to exclude audio/video types that WMP can't handle.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Professional SKU[edit | edit source]

Home Edition SKU (unleaked)[edit | edit source]

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]