Windows 3.00a

Not to be confused with Windows 3.0A.
Build of Windows 3.0
OS family16-bit Windows
Version number3.00a
Architecturex86 (PC, Intel Inboard 386/PC)
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows 3.00a is a minor update to Windows 3.00 released on 31 October 1990. It fixed a few bugs from the earlier release. Windows 3.0 with Multimedia Extensions 1.0 is based on this version.

A version of this build for the Intel Inboard 386/PC (an ISA card with a 386, 387 socket and some RAM intended for earlier systems), from 14 January 1991, was dumped on 18 September 2015 and later uploaded to WinWorldPC.[1][2] All disks of this release were formatted with IBM DOS 3.1, and the uploader incorrectly named disk14 and disk15. Another set of floppy disks was dumped by BitHistory on 16 September 2020 and uploaded to the Internet Archive on 4 December 2020.[3] Unlike the previous version, this set of floppy disks was formatted with IBM DOS 3.3 and contained some incomplete file fragments.

A partially-corrupted disk dump of its Thai variant was dumped onto the abandonware website Vetusware on 28 April 2018,[4] and later reuploaded onto the Internet Archive on 30 July 2023.[5]

Unlike the original English release, the Spanish and Thai releases have a copyright date of 1991, implying that it was released later.

Quirks[edit | edit source]

Due to some changes introduced with bug fixes, various VGA cards may no longer work unless the line EMMExclude=A000-CBFF is added in SYSTEM.INI's [386Enh] section.[6] This notably affects Microsoft Virtual PC 2004/2007 guests.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Setup[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]