Windows 10 build 9907 (fbl_awesome1501)

Build of Windows 10
OS familyWindows NT
Version number10.0
Build number9907
Build revision0
Architecturex86, x64
Build labfbl_awesome1501
Compiled on2014-12-10
Expiration date
Timebomb2015-04-15 (+126 days)
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows 10 build 9907 (fbl_awesome1501) is a build of Windows 10, which was shared online on 29 January 2015.[1]

Editions and keys[edit | edit source]

Edition / SKU Name Key
Core 334NH-RXG76-64THK-C7CKG-D3VPT
CoreSingleLanguage 2NCXJ-T36QP-HQMH2-9672W-WBYW3
CoreCountrySpecific[a] NQ4B7-4W72M-PV67K-QVRMF-QGH82
ProfessionalWMC (edition upgrade only) GBFNG-2X3TC-8R27F-RMKYB-JK7QT
Enterprise PBHCJ-Q2NYD-2PX34-T2TD6-233PK

Findings[edit | edit source]

Hidden features[edit | edit source]

The following hidden features have been found within this build:

  • New tray clock user interface - enabled by creating key UseWin32TrayClockExperience under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell]
  • Hidden lock screen - enabled by setting Threshold to 1 under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\TestHooks]
  • Enable XAML Start menu - create and set UseExperience to 1 under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell\Launcher]
  • New volume flyout - enable by setting EnableMtcUvc to 1 under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\MTCUVC]

Bugs[edit | edit source]

BIOS support[edit | edit source]

This build will only work on real hardware utilizing BIOS, unlike VMware which gives a CPU fault. On VMware, the user will need to use UEFI firmware.

Window thumbnail border color error[edit | edit source]

If window auto-colorization is enabled, the window thumbnail borders on the taskbar do not change color even after the wallpaper changes. This issue can be remedied by manually changing the window color through the Control Panel or restarting Windows.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

English version[edit | edit source]

French language variant[edit | edit source]

Simplified Chinese language variant[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Not available for x86 as the wrong media was published onto Windows Update servers.

References[edit | edit source]