Windows 10 build 9888

Build of Windows 10
OS familyWindows 10 (NT 10.0)
Version number10.0
Build number9888
Build revision0
Architecturex86, AMD64
Build labfbl_release
Compiled on2014-11-13
Expiration date
Timebomb2015-04-15 (+153 days)
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows 10 build 9888 is a build of Windows 10, which was shared online on 2 December 2014.[1] On 17 May 2015, the build was uploaded in various languages.

This is the last available build to contain the "Welcome to Tech Preview" desktop shortcut. It is also the last available build to have Windows Easy Transfer.

Editions and keys[edit | edit source]

Edition / SKU Name Key
Core 334NH-RXG76-64THK-C7CKG-D3VPT
ProfessionalWMC (edition upgrade only) GBFNG-2X3TC-8R27F-RMKYB-JK7QT

Changes[edit | edit source]

  • The copyright date in winver has been updated from 2014 to 2015, despite being compiled in 2014.
  • Context menus are now more consistent and unified in this build.
  • Spacing of system tray icons has been decreased.

Findings[edit | edit source]

Hidden features[edit | edit source]

The following hidden features have been found within this build:

  • Hidden lock screen - enabled by setting Threshold to 1 under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Authentication\LogonUI\TestHooks] in the registry like in build 9845. It is quite buggy and it will auto login if there is no password set.
  • Enable XAML Start menu - create and set UseExperience to 1 under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ImmersiveShell\Launcher]
  • Search box on the taskbar - enabled by setting EnableSearchBox to 1 under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search

Bugs and quirks[edit | edit source]

Taskbar preview border color[edit | edit source]

If window auto-colorization is enabled, the taskbar preview borders do not change color even after the wallpaper changes. This issue can be remedied by manually changing the window color through the Control Panel or by restarting Windows.

XAML start menu[edit | edit source]

  • Sometimes, the user must click on the start button multiple times to bring up the menu.
  • Under rare circumstances and due to its earliness, the XAML start menu is largely broken and unfinished with the inability to pin/change titles and a lot of placeholders.
  • The username in the XAML start menu will say "Groot" instead of the currently logged-in user's name; it is a placeholder that directly references the fictional Marvel Comics character of the same name.
  • Unlike the Mexican Spanish version, the XAML Start Menu is left untranslated in the Canadian French version.

Pseudo localization[edit | edit source]

  • On certain international releases, some parts of the OS have Pseudo localized translations to some English text.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

English version[edit | edit source]

Spanish (Mexican) version[edit | edit source]

French (Canadian) version[edit | edit source]

Simplified Chinese version[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]