
Com limbo emu main default 2025 01 20 11 41 02.png
Home page
Developer(s)Max Kastanas
Host platformAndroid
Guest platformx86, x86-64, ARM32, ARM64, PPC32, PPC64, SPARC
Initial release version
Initial release date
Latest release version6.0.1
Latest preview version
Latest release date2022-03-09
LicenseGPL v2.0

Limbo is an emulator targeted to Android based on QEMU. It can emulate various architectures, making it a choice for emulating old hardware on mobile devices.

Limbo Plus[edit | edit source]

Limbo Plus
Com limbo emu plus default 2025 01 20 11 41 09.png
Home page
Host platformAndroid
Guest platformx86, x86-64, arm32, arm64
Initial release version
Initial release date
Latest release version2.0.6
Latest preview version
Latest release date2024-03-17
LicenseGPL v2.0
WebsiteGitHub (archived)[a]

GitHub (current)[b]

Lanzoue (Chinese)[c]

Limbo Plus is a fork of Limbo with more features, such as broader hardware support, more keys for the key mapper, added SD Card support, more graphics options, EFI support or higher sizes for virtual hard disks. It also used icons from Windows until version 6.0.2, replacing the ones from the original Limbo which originate from an open-source icon library.

With the release of the currently latest version 6.0.3, the project has been moved to a new repository, with the older one being archived and set to read-only.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Includes releases up to version 2.0.1.
  2. Includes releases starting with version 2.0.3.
  3. Includes all released versions, password is 5kat.