Windows XP build 2481 (idx01)

Build of Windows XP
OS familyWindows NT
Version number5.1
Build number2481
Build labidx01
Compiled on2001-05-24
Expiration date
Timebomb2001-11-20 (+180 days)
Product key
About dialog

Windows XP build 2481 (idx01) is a build of Windows XP which was shared on 29 June 2022. The build number for this build is mentioned at the closing Q&As during the Windows XP Expert Zone event when discussing the Homestead and Metallic themes. Build 2480 is also mentioned in the same message. Prior to this build being shared, screenshots of this build were taken by Paul Thurrott, which showed the build tag.

I think you saw Metallic and Homestead today. They come in, they'll be in, not the next IDW which is 2475. That'll be in... We'll do 2480, maybe 81, depending on a couple of things and when a couple of things come in.

— Iain McDonald

File differences[edit | edit source]

The following files have been introduced compared to build 2481 (main) Professional:

Added files
Name Description Version

Quirks[edit | edit source]

The "chess" user account picture is replaced by the CHESS.BMP wallpaper from Windows 3.0 in its original resolution. This is also present in build 2481 (main) and build 2486.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Interface[edit | edit source]

Images uploaded prior to leak[edit | edit source]