Windows Vista build 5365.8

Build of Windows Vista
Release nameApril 2006 EDW
OS familyWindows NT
Version number6.0
Build number5365
Build revision8
Build labwinmain_idx05
Compiled on2006-04-19
Expiration date
Timebomb2007-03-07 (+322 days)
Product key
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows Vista build 5365.8 is the official April 2006 EDW build of Windows Vista, released to beta testers on 21 April 2006.

NFO file[edit | edit source]

NFO contents

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 |  ____________________________________________________________________________  |
 | |   Proudly Presents: Microsoft Windows Vista Build 5365 64Bit DVD           | |
 | |____________________________________________________________________________| |
 | |                                                                            | |
 | |  ________________________________________________________________________  | |
 | | |  Release Information                                          [-][±][×]| | |
 | | |_______________________________________________________________________ | | |
 | | | Release Date.....: April 28th, 2006                                  |^| | |
 | | | Directory Name...: Microsoft.Windows.Vista.64Bit.Build.5365.DVD      |¯| | |
 | | | Supplier.........: Microsoft                              -WinBeta   | | | |
 | | | Type.............: OS                                                | | | |
 | | | Format.......... : DVD - ISO (as supplied by MS)                     |-| | |
 | | | Number of Discs..: 1                                                 ||| | |
 | | | Archives.........: 86 x 50 MB                                        ||| | |
 | | | Files............: wb-wv64Bit5365dvd.rxx                             | | | |
 | | | Protection.......: key + Activation                                  | | | |
 | | | Requirements.....: CPU: 1.5GHz+ / RAM: 512MB+ / HDD: 12gb+           | | | |
 | | | Link.............:|_| | |
 | | |______________________________________________________________________|v| | |
 | | |                                                                    WB  | | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________| | |
 | | |                                                                          | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________  | |
 | | |  Release Notes                                                [-][±][×]| | |
 | | |_______________________________________________________________________ | | |
 | | |                                                                      |^| | |
 | | |Windows Vista, the next, next generation OS from Microsoft.           |¯| | |
 | | |This is an interm release build #5365                                 | | | |
 | | |Stability and usability seems to be better than previous post b1      | | | |
 | | |releases . YMMV, January 2007 is a long way off                       | | | |
 | | |                                                                      | | | |
 | | |  Nukers-This must remain an iso or it will not extract or boot.      |-| | |
 | | |                                                                      ||| | |
 | | |  Enjoy .  This is an original untouched iso.                         |_| | |
 | | |______________________________________________________________________|v| | |
 | | |                                                                    WB  | | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________| | |
 | | |                                                                          | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________  | |
 | | |  Install Notes                                                [-][±][×]| | |
 | | |_______________________________________________________________________ | | |
 | | |   .Unpack.                                                           |^| | |
 | | |   .Burn to dvd or mount with an emulator                             |¯| | |
 | | |   .Install, key is: PVYFQ-2JTBV-9KXQ2-FQHDY-MTBVH                    | | | |
 | | |                                                                      |_| | |
 | | |______________________________________________________________________|v| | |
 | | |                                                                    WB  | | |
 | | |________________________________________________________________________| | |
 | |                                                                            | |
 | |____________________________________________________________________________| |
 |                  WinBeta - Always Here From The Beginning.                     |

New features and changes[edit | edit source]

Windows Setup[edit | edit source]

Further design changes have been introduced towards the setup process. The region-specific settings page in the autorun application has been slightly modified to feature a less barebones look (and additionally includes the correct set of keyboard layout settings), and the size of the copyright tagline at the bottom-left of the autorun dialog has been reduced. The horizontal size of the product key input box during the first phase of setup has been reduced to an average length that fits most product keys, and checkmarks have been added next to stages that have been completed throughout the image deployment process, replacing the placeholder "Done" indicator seen in earlier builds of Vista. The progress indicator now correctly reports the true percentage of each individual deployment stage, as opposed to a placeholder fill animation in older builds.

The second stage of setup has been additionally updated to include the page designs observed throughout the initial deployment process. This change would not be reflected in the rollback process for subsequent Windows builds until midway through Windows 8 development, when the designs of both the second stage of setup and the rollback process were updated to be consistent with the Metro design language guidelines.

Sidebar[edit | edit source]

The Slideshow, Clock, and Feed Viewer gadgets are now pinned to the Windows Sidebar by default. The RSS feed gadgets (Feed Watcher, Feed Viewer) have additionally received new icon designs.

User Account Control[edit | edit source]

Desktop Window Manager effects are now disabled by default and the client area dimmed when a User Account Control prompt is displayed to the user as a security measure. This is achieved by having the underlying UAC process (consent.exe, spawned by the Application Information service) send a request to the Windows session manager to switch to a special session reserved specifically for the local system account (otherwise referred to as the "secure desktop", additionally used by the Windows logon user interface), display a dimmed bitmap image copy of the logged-on user's session across the client area and spawn the respective application launch confirmation dialog.[1][2]

Control Panel[edit | edit source]

Digital Identities[edit | edit source]

The Digital Identities feature (codenamed InfoCard) has been added to the operating system, allowing the user to create an encrypted personal identity card for use in websites without requiring the user to fill out a form, or install an existing provider identity card that was issued by an organization. Identity cards can be exported to and restored from a backup created through the application. The feature would be later renamed to Windows CardSpace and was removed in Windows 8 as it was succeeded by modernized equivalents of the Windows Mail and Contacts applications.

Miscellaneous applet changes[edit | edit source]

The name of the Sidebar Control Panel applet has been changed to Windows Sidebar. Additional options to add gadgets and the ability to overlay itself on top of other windows have also been introduced, and options for going to the Network Center and setting up a second display with Windows SideShow have been added to their respective Control Panel applets. A new set of options for the Default Programs applet has also been implemented. Links for the Digital Locker feature have been removed from the Programs Control Panel applet.

Bugs and quirks[edit | edit source]

  • It is currently not possible to upgrade to this build due to setup crashing upon loading.
  • The Windows loader application (winload.exe) may hang for several minutes during the initialization process.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Setup[edit | edit source]

Out-of-box experience[edit | edit source]

Interface[edit | edit source]

User Account Control[edit | edit source]

Digital Identities[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Russinovich, Mark; Solomon, David A.; Ionescu, Alex. "Chapter 6: Security - Running With Administrator Rights". Windows Internals (6th ed.), Microsoft Press. March 2012. ISBN 978-0-73-564873-9. pp. 574.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Jim. User Account Control Prompts on the Secure Desktop, User Account Control WebLog. 3 May 2006.