Windows Server build 22364 (rs_prerelease)

Build of Windows Server, version 23H2
OS familyWindows 11 (NT 10.0)
Version number10.0
Build number22364
Build revision1000
ArchitectureAMD64, ARM64
Build labrs_prerelease
Compiled on2021-04-16
Expiration date
Timebomb2021-10-31 (+198 days)
About dialog
WinSRV11-22364-rs fun-Winver.png

Windows Server build 22364 (rs_prerelease) is the earliest available build of Windows Server, version 23H2 and the earliest available build of Nickel overall that was shared on 29 October 2024, alongside the rs_fun compile of this build, rs_fun and rs_prerelease compiles of build 22366. The Unified Update Platform source metadata was shared later on that day.

Due to its earliness, this build still identifies itself as Windows Server 2022 and still uses its user interface.

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