OS family | Windows 9x |
Version number | 4.90 |
Build number | 3000 |
Architecture | x86 |
Compiled on | 2000-06-08 |
Windows Me build 3000 is the official RTM build of Windows Me, which was released to manufacturing on 19 June 2000[1] and was generally available on 14 September 2000. It is the last ever build of Windows to be compiled under the Windows 9x kernel, signifying the end of Microsoft's line of 16/32-bit hybrid operating systems since Windows 95.
Windows Me was generally perceived as unstable and buggy. This particular build, even though it was the official release, can still appear to be unstable and can crash easily, especially on newer hardware.
The following NFO files were included as part of the iFXP and SWAT releases.
i::::i F::::::::::::::::::::FX:::::X X:::::XP::::::::::::::::P
iiii F::::::::::::::::::::FX:::::X X:::::XP::::::PPPPPP:::::P
FF::::::FFFFFFFFF::::FX::::::X X::::::XPP:::::P P:::::P
iiiiiii F:::::F FFFFFFXXX:::::X X:::::XXX P::::P P:::::P
i:::::i F:::::F X:::::X X:::::X P::::P P:::::P
i::::i F::::::FFFFFFFFFF X:::::X:::::X P::::PPPPPP:::::P
i::::i F:::::::::::::::F X:::::::::X P:::::::::::::PP
i::::i F:::::::::::::::F X:::::::::X P::::PPPPPPPPP
i::::i F::::::FFFFFFFFFF X:::::X:::::X P::::P
i::::i F:::::F X:::::X X:::::X P::::P
i::::i F:::::F XXX:::::X X:::::XXX P::::P
i::::::iFF:::::::FF X::::::X X::::::XPP::::::PP
i::::::iF::::::::FF X:::::X X:::::XP::::::::P
i::::::iF::::::::FF X:::::X X:::::XP::::::::P
. .
. .:::. ### \|/ ` ___ '
:(o o): . (o o) (o o) - (O o) -
│ - iFXP Presents - │
│ Microsoft Windows ME True Retail │
│ Supplier : Seven of Nine │ Release Date : 08/08/00 │
│ Cracker : Billy's Boys │ Retail Price : $209 US │
│ Packer : DandyDon │ # of files : 30 x 15 MB RAR's │
│ IRC Channel : #xxx/DalNet │ Artwork by : Dawggy │
│ Requirements: 150MHz CPU + 32MB of RAM, 295 MB HD space, etc. │
Microsoft Windows ME - The Continuing Saga
Yes kids, its finally here ! This is the real deal !
This is NOT some doctored OEM version. All files are dated 09/14/00
which just happens to be about the time ME is supposed to hit the stores.
Its bootable, Upgradeable, and has all the extra shit you
will never use or need, that Uncle Billy thought you should
have forced on you in an OS. Enjoy this fine release from iFXP !
Install Notes: Burn with CDRWIN. You can clean install, or upgrade
your existing Windows 98 or 95.
Use Serial # <product key removed>
Greetings to all the fine release groups
who make the scene what it is today !
. .
. .:::. ### \|/ ` ___ '
:(o o): . (o o) (o o) - (O o) -
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,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$` Windows Millennium Edition `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
$$$$` """ⁿ$, ,$ⁿ""" `$$$$
4$$$b,. ` ` .$$$$
$$$$ Supplied By........SWAT SQUAD Operating System.....umm...WinME
$$$$ Cracked By.........SWAT SQUAD Protection...........CD Key
$$$$ Packed By..........SWAT SQUAD Crack Type...........CD Key
$$$$ Released On........06.21.2000 Release Size.........32(5Mb)
,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$` `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
$$$$ """ⁿ$, Release Info ,$ⁿ""" `$$$$
` ` $$$$
The newest version of Windows. Based on the Windows 9x $$$$
Kernel. More stable and feature rich than any previous $$$$
Win 9x OS. What more needs to be said? If you don't $$$$
know what it is, then you have serious problems! :) $$$$
,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$` `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
$$$$` """ⁿ$, Installation ,$ⁿ""" `$$$$
` ` $$$$
Unzip, unrar, run setup.exe and have fun $$$$
CD key - RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG $$$$
,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$` `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
$$$$` """ⁿ$, The members ,$ⁿ""" `$$$$
$$$$ ` ` $$$$
For us to know and you to not find out! $$$$
(Charles Manson says hi) $$$$
,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$` `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
$$$$` """ⁿ$, Site Affiliations ,$ⁿ""" `$$$$
$$$$ ` ` $$$$
Wont list 'em due to security reasons, if ur on them $$$$
u will notice. $$$$
,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$` `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
$$$$` """ⁿ$, Greets ,$ⁿ""" `$$$$
` ` $$$$
LiT =-= DSI =-= RiSC =-= INS =-= JGT =-= DOD =-= PGC =-= UCF $$$$
950 =-= SCAR =-= SHOCK =-= ADDC $$$$
,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$` `$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,
$$$$` """ⁿ$, Contacting SWAT ,$ⁿ""" `$$$$
$$$$ ` ` $$$$
$$$$ $$$$
$$$$ $$$$
$$$$ IRC (EFNET public channel)....................... # none $$$$
$$$$ WWW (Under Construction).......................... www.notyet.com $$$$
$$$$ E-Mail ....................................swat@phatchicks.com $$$$
$$$$, ,$$$$
Even though this is the final release of Windows Me, Internet Explorer 5.5, DirectX and Windows Media Player 7 are still in their near-final, pre-release state. Internet Explorer has the version number 5.50.4134.0100, while the final build is actually 5.50.4134.0600.
Microsoft recommended users to head to the Windows Update website to update these components to their final versions.[2]
A file named ICMUI.DLL
, with the version number 5.50.5117.1 was found in this Windows Me build, but it is unknown whether this Neptune build was ever compiled.
Some have speculated this version to be a Milestone 2 build. It would have been compiled sometime after 11 December 1999, indicating that it would be one of the last builds of Neptune before the project was ultimately canceled in January 2000.
System Restore does not work with restore points created after 8 September 2001. However, there are patches available which resolve this problem.
System configuration stage of setup
Ditto, while initializing device CONFIGMG
x86 English CD [Technical Beta]