Windows Longhorn build 4017

Build of Windows Longhorn
OS familyWindows NT
Version number6.0
Build number4017
Build labmain
Compiled on2003-04-09
Expiration date
Timebomb2004-06-27 (+445 days)
Product key
About dialog

Windows Longhorn build 4017 is a Milestone 5 build of Windows Longhorn. On 23 January 2020, this build was listed on a thread by Grabberslasher, founder of the UX.Unleaked blog, to be released to the BetaArchive FTP, and was released as the first two builds of his 33 Longhorn/Vista builds on 24 January 2020, alongside build 4029 (Lab06 n).[1] This build shares a lot of similarities with build 4015 (main), including a working Desktop Compositing Engine that isn't different to the aforementioned build.

The timebomb in this build is extended to 445 days, being one of the Longhorn builds that has the longest timebomb.

Changes[edit | edit source]

  • The EULA reference during setup now says "Longhorn" instead of "Whistler".
  • The sidebar is given a minor change to take up the whole side, including the bottom of the taskbar, shifting the time to the left of the sidebar instead of under.
  • If window is maximized, the title bar text on Plex theme is now left-aligned.

Setup[edit | edit source]

Bugs[edit | edit source]

Installation[edit | edit source]

  • Despite not being compiled in evaluation mode, it can boot on the current date. But many drivers aren't installed by default during the hardware portion of setup if you install this build on the current date and have to be installed manually.
  • On some installs, once copying files has completed, setup will fail to create a boot.ini file. Although booting will still be possible, NTLDR will default to C:\WINDOWS.
  • The hardware detection portion of setup may crash, and an error message may appear as well. Simply press ALT+TAB to access the error message, and click OK. This will, however, skip the Out-of-Box-Experience.

Themes[edit | edit source]

Upon changing themes, the icons on the desktop will not show correctly. Refreshing the desktop will usually fix the problem.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]