Windows 95 build 108

Build of Windows 95
OS familyWindows 9x
Version number4.00
Build number108
Compiled on1994

Windows 95 build 108 is a Milestone 6 build of Windows 95. It is mentioned in the Release Notes from builds 116, 121 and 122, along with builds 73, 99 and 116. According to the Release Notes, this build is a pre-M6 "Betas of the Beta".

RELNOTES.RTF[edit | edit source]

Build 116[edit | edit source]

You can not setup this version of Chicago over prior versions (build numbers) of Chicago.  This includes the M5 build (73), and the pre-M6 “Betas of the Beta”, builds 99, and 108.  Although the final M6 may set up over build 116, it is still recommended that you do a clean installation, so you are guaranteed not to generate bogus bugs. You should remove the previous Chicago files, and remove the system.dat file from your root.  (To remove system.dat, you must first do “attrib -s -h -r” and then delete it.)

Build 122[edit | edit source]

Intel EtherExpress 16 is disabled after installing Chicago on an NEC Versa
This is an intermittent problem in build 108. We are investigating this but at present, there is no way to avoid this problem. If this happens to you, install your network using the Network control panel.