Windows 95 build 121

Build of Windows 95
OS familyWindows 9x
Version number4.00
Build number121
Compiled on1994-06-07
Product key
Beta Site ID229911
About dialog

Windows 95 build 121 is a build of Windows 95, which was compiled three days before the official Beta 1 release. It was shared by Jeff Parsons, the author of the PCjs emulator on 4 February 2023 as a set of seventeen 3.5" 1.44MB floppy disks.[1][2]

Included symbols[edit | edit source]

riched.dll and extract.exe have symbols included in the overlay data, which were removed in the following build.

Bugs[edit | edit source]

The Vision964 doesn't work properly with the S3 driver on higher resolutions.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]