Windows 3.0 build 52

Build of Windows 3.0
OS family16-bit Windows
Version number3.0
Build number52
Architecturex86 16-bit
Compiled on1989-12-13
About dialog

Windows 3.0 build 52 is a build of Windows 3.0. It was uploaded to a warez BBS in early 1990 (files included with the release seem to indicate that this happened around 14 February 1990) and was later lost, although the full build was re-uploaded onto the Internet Archive on 23 June 2024.[1] The SDK for this build was found a few hours later. It is the earliest available build to include and use the new Program Manager and File Manager shells instead of the old MS-DOS Executive.

Calculator screenshot[edit | edit source]

An undated photograph of a pre-release build of Windows 3.0, possibly this build or one very close to it running Calculator version 3.00.13 (the same as in this build) was shown by Kraig Brockschmidt, the developer of the application on his website.[2]

A video recording of supposed build 48, which clearly aimed to replicate the build shown in Brockschmidt's screenshot, was posted onto YouTube in June 2020;[3] however, the legitimacy of the video is questionable as the uploader has not responded to queries surrounding the build itself.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Setup[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]