Windows 98 build 1650.3

Build of Windows 98
OS familyWindows 9x
Version number4.10
Build number1650
Build revision3
Compiled on1997-12-01
Expiration date
Timebomb1998-08-24 (+266 days)
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows 98 build 1650.3 is one of two confirmed recompiles of build 1650, with the other being 1650.8. It was scene leaked by warez groups GLOW and SIEGE on 3 December 1997 and is featured on the fourth disc of the Crazybytes 22 warez CD compilation.

NFO files[edit | edit source]

The following NFO files were included as part of the GLoW and SIEGE releases.[1]

  • GLoW

NFO contents

         .ggg ggg                                          __  _
    .a!$$$$$²$$"                                       .&²''4P'²ba.
  .&$$²"²$$$ $l                   ggg.     .ggg      .a',gg,.g%.`^²4.4!b.
 ;$$P`   `P² ²',                  ;$$$l   l$$$;     ;$ ;$$$$$!&$&a. 'a;I$$!%a,.
;'²²' G   a& &P^                .&$!²`     `²$$&.   l; iP²'4$$P'²4a: ib.`'4$$$$
b,,a     b,,a,,d L  ggg         `²P     W    `4$$;  : ,d,.,d$&b,.,d. :l;    `²;
l$$$l  ²²$$$²$$$   ;$$$ %a.   ,&&.`            $$$; . l$$$$&P²4$$$$l :;'     ,l
 `4$$b,,a$$$ l$$b,,d$$$ '4$$&.$$$$    ..ggg    '~^` ,·`4!&P4alP4&$P'.d    .a!$$
  !P^"'²4$$$.;.P"'²4$$$   `4$$;$$$a  ²²$$$    ;%d!l;$lb.`l&a,,a&$`; :'∙.d$$$$$P
 ;$l    . "4`²'!%a.  "4    l$$l`4$$b,,dP²4b,,d$$P' l$$$'; `^²²^`,d$ba'!$$$$$$'
 l$$      $l ° lP²'   ; O  `²4! P"4P'²"²ad$$P"²4   `$$';$$$&aa&$$$$P',$$$$P'
 ;$$l    .db,,d$b,,a     .d!bl'd²`4$.  a$P`   .'   ;d; l&P',&$$$$P' .l$$P'.
  `4$b,,d$$$$P'`²4$$b,.,d$$P'ba;  d$;  l$;  a'   ,aP'  ;iP'²²"~^` .d!P'`:;l
    `'4P²"²P²`   "P`~4!$P;a,,d$b,,dP²4²4l  l;  .d'   ,lP'       .P²`.al. aI
      `!   ;      $   "l²4P²'4²4 ;$; l l$· .   Ii   ;$l        ;$Si;$$'   '
       lb,,d,    ;l;  ,d. `²²$a$  l  ∙ ;;.     `4ba,,dba,,..,,adSiIP$'
       `"²"`    ;$$P"^²'`     l$ l$· ° a$l       ^"²²4!P²4!¼¼!P²';Si'
                d$²4          ;$ $$l   l$$           ,d!ba,..,ad!P'
                ²4P²           l `²"   `!²           ;$²$$$$$baad!
                               ;                     l$a$$$$$$$$!;
                               $                    d²'"^`'~"'^``'
                              l$b                  ;     ,g!$$$$$!&.
                              ^²"                 .d    ,S$$$$$$$$$l
░=+--∙·-+=─-░░--─-─=──∙·+=──-░-─+-─·─∙─░─+-─·-∙ .dP;b,,di$$$$$$$$$$; -░-∙=·-░=+
   Info File Created By Black Knight For Glow  ;$$$$$;l&$$$$$$$$$P' Glow(c) 96'
-─·∙─+=─+-─-─∙--─-─░--─∙─+─=─+-─░--=-∙·-──+=- i$$$$$$;$$$$$$$$&P' -░--=+─·-∙·░─
  /-─--─-─---─--───----─-─--──---─-──-─---── `^"²²²"'`^~"²²"~` ---─-─-──-─-─-\
 |            MS Windows 98 Incremental Build 16.50.3 (x70/x70)               |
 ┌│ Manufacturer: MicroSoft            | Ware Type    : OS                   !┐
 │| Supplied By : Team GloW            │ Protection   :                      │|
 il Packaged By : Team GloW            ; Rating 1/10  : You Decide!          |;
 l│ Cracked By  :                      │ Release Date : 12/03/97             :│
 └; OS Type     : Windows 95 or 98     l Size         : 70 Disks             │┘
   ││             **** GLoW's Man of the Month for November****            |│
   ;:                     ******* UnEZ RiDeR *******                       │;
   │l                   If Only ALL Men Were This Good! =)...              i│
 ┌|                                                                          │┐
 ││     This is a incremental build as we get closer to Beta 3, but it is    │!
 ;:  not yet Beta 3.                                           :|
 └│                                                                          ;┘
 ┌│                                                                          │┐
 i│     MS have actually fixed a lot of issues between 1650.0 and 1650.3,    |│
 :|  and think that you will find it even better.                            ::
 └│                                                                          │┘
 ┌│                                                                          │┐
 :│     To Install, UnZip To Temporary Directory, run setup.exe and begin    I|
 ||  biting your fingernails, drinking (heavily), or playing with your       |:
 │:  sexual toys.                                                            │s
 !;                                                                          :e
 ||             Another great release from the GLOW team!!!!                 |x
 └│                                                                          │┘

  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ Goddesses ░+=-──--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 i│                        SuperChic :: Lady Charon                          │l
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ Emperesses ░+=-──-─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 |│                Jabbers :: Angela :: WildWendy :: Nine                    │|
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ Ladies in Waiting ░+=-─-─-─∙--·-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌;                  Karen :: Druyen :: ang :: Celestial                     │┐
 └l              Rockz :: ShadowVLX :: Kristina :: Nelapsi                   |┘
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ security  ░+=-──--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 :|                   WaRHouND :: Catalina AZ :: Karen                       │;
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-───=+░ Net monkeys ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌|   Skylark : Incog : Psyber : Grooby : DINO : SiRaX : BiRDiE : MobilMan   │┐
 |: Hacir : Vampyre : LordDeath : CyberJak : Tane : DeadHead : Homith : UnEZ l:
 :│  Genkeim : Cheezer : vile : EXxTANT : X-Frog : UnEZ : [2F] : SufferAll   ||
 └| Piper 1 :: DiZZY :: Temptation :: Rumba :: CDeth :: UmGoWa :: phoxphyre  │┘
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ bbs dist. ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌:                     UnEZ Rider :: MacDaddy :: ][ce                        l┐
 └│             HtlCalBBS :: Dark Knight :: Anjel :: Pancreas                 │┘
  /-─--─-─----·∙─----·-∙-─--─=+░ AmazonWomen ░+=---─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
┌:             Akasha :: No Fx Girl :: Babz :: Severina :: Nine               │┐
└│      Anjel :: Damzel :: flwrbabe :: TheAsYLuM :: sanctuary :: Nelapsi      |┘
  /-─--──----·∙──---·-∙-─--─=+░ Artists/Coders ░+=-─-─-─∙·--∙·----─-─-──-─-─-\
 |;                 Reformed :: Cindi :: tHATDUDE :: kast                    :│
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ bbs info. ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌;Women's World East :: 100 Nodes & Inet   :: 310 :: WLD HQ :: Wild Wendy   │┐
 |│               CHQ :: 8 Nodes & Inet Acc :: 216 :: EUS HQ :: UnEz Rider   ;│
 ││   Da' Crazy House :: 5 Nodes Ringdown   :: 415 :: WUS HQ :: MacDaddy     │|
 │:   DNA Project '96 :: 6 Nodes Ringdown   :: +61 :: AUS HQ :: DNA          I│
 i│       The Unknown :: 4 Nodes Ringdown   :: +44 :: EUR HQ :: ][ce         ;│
 |│  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  ││
 l│   Devil's Pulpit :: 2 Nodes Ringdown   :: 9o5 :: Member :: Skater Freak  │;
 │| Hotel California :: 8 Nodes Ringdown   ::     :: Member :: Elevator Man  │:
 ;l        The Cross :: 3 Nodes Ringdown   :: +61 :: Member :: Anjel         |│
 ││  ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown   :: ??? :: Member :: ?????         ││
 :│  ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown   :: ??? :: Member :: ?????         l│
 └│  ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown   :: ??? :: Member :: ?????         │┘
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ shoutouts ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌|                 Razor 1911 :: PWA :: MasQue :: fATE                      │┐
 |│                  Devotion :: IRN :: Nemesis :: PTM                       ;│
 └l                Phrozen Crew :: DoD :: Core :: VB5Warez                   |┘
   \─-─-─--─--·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ personals ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─--─-─-─-─-─-/
  ┌|    Orion :: vile :: DrmWEaver :: LeoDLioN :: Winter Hawk :: Dogma      ;┐
  └l      MasterGuru :: Jess :: YOS :: GodTrust :: Edge :: Marlenus         l┘
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ Couriers  ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌|    GLoW Curries are the Official Couriers for Gorgeous Ladies of \\'arez :┐
 ││               Spreading All that We release Da 31337 Way!                ││
 └;                Phrozen Crew are the 31337 Cracking Affil                 ;┘
 ┌│                GLoW (c) 1996 - Gorgeous Ladies of Warez                  │┐
 |!                    "we release more than just eggs"                      ;│
 ::                          updated (11/12/97)                              │|
 ││                                                                          i:
 │i                            (Special Note)                                l│
 l│                                                                          ││
 i:  GLoW currently has openings for female or male suppliers & crackers!    |i
 │:                                                                          :│
 |│         GLoW's Goddess's,Council,Seniors & Staff are Female ONLY!        ││
 ││                                                                          │i
 ||    * Ladies.. if your tired of being a "channel ornament" for a guy's    │|
 :l      group...Bring yourself and your skills to us and enjoy the fun!     ;│
 ││    * Hug's and Kiss's from all of us to our Hunny of the Month!          ││
 |│                                                                          │!
 │i  Those not in the nfo: you know who you are and yes shouts to you too!   |│
 ;│                                                                          ||
 │:  Support the software companies! If you enjoy using a program or using a │:
 !|  Util, consider buying it! Someone has to make it worth the programmer's ││
 |│  effort to keep up the high standards. They made it, so they DESERVE it! :|
 └│                                                                          │┘

NFO contents

       ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄
             ▄▄▄▄   █▓███▀
          ░  █▓▓█ ░ ███▀  ▄█▓▄  █▄                   ▄█
          ▒  ████ ░ █▀    ▀██▀  ▓██▄               ▄██▓
          ▓  ▀███▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄   ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
          █▄        ████  ████  ▄▄▄▄   ████ ████   ▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄   ████    ░
   ▀ ▀▀██▀███████ ░ █▓▓█  █▓▓█  █▓▓█ ░ █▓▓█ █▓▓█ ░ █▓▓█ █▓▓█ ░ █▓▓█    ▒
        ▀██▀▀█▓▓█ ░ █▒▒█  █▒▒█  █▒▒█   ████ █▒▒█ ░ █▒▒█ █▒▒█   ████    ▓
         █   █▓▓█ ░ █░░█  █░░█  █░░█▀▀▀▀▀▀  █░░█ ░ █░░█ █░░█▀▀▀▀▀▀     █
         ▓   ██▓█ ░ █  █  █  █  █  █ ░ ▄▄▄▄ █  █ ░ █  █ █  █ ░ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄██▄▄▄ ▄
         ▒   ████ ░ █░░█  █░░█  █░░█ ░ █░░█ █░░█ ░ █░░█ █░░█ ░ █░░████▄█▀
         ░   ████ ░ █▒▒█  █▒▒█  █▒▒█ ░ █▒▒█ █▒▒█ ░ █▒▒█ █▒▒█ ░ █▒▒█  ▀▓
   ┌──────── ████ ░ █▓▓█  █▓▓█  █▓▓█ ░ █▓▓█ █▓▓█ ░ █▓▓█ █▓▓█ ░ █▓▓█ ─ ▒ ───┐
   │ROY ████▄▄▄███▀ ▄████▄ ▀███▄▄▄████ ▀███▄▄▄████ ████ ░ ████   ░    │
   ├────────────────────────────────────────────── ████ █▓▓█ ─ █▓▓█ ───────┤
   : ▀▀ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀█▄  ░░░░ █▓▓█ █▒▒█ ░ █▒▒█ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ :
   ░▒▓███▓▒░ PROUDLY PRESENTS ░▒▓█████▓▒░  ▀█▄  ░░ █▒▒█ █▓▓█ ░ █▓▓█ ░▒▓██▓▒░
   : ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▀█▄   █▓▓█ ████ ░ ████ ▄▄▄ ▄▄ :
   └────────────────────────────────────────── ▀█▄ ████ ▀███▄▄▄███▀ ───────┘
                                                 ▀█████            Since 1995
▓                      [x] SIEGE Proudly Presents [x]                         ▓
▒       ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐         ▒
░       │                  Windows 98 Build 1650.3                  │         ░
   ▓  RELEASE DATE     : 12/03/97                                        ▓
   ▒  SUPPLIER         : Eternal                                         ▒
   ░  PACKAGER         : Snapz                                             ░
      CRACKER          : N/A
      TESTER           : N/A
      PROTECTION       : None
      PROGRAM TYPE     : Operating System
      PLATFORM         : N/A
      NUMBER OF DISKS  : 70

   ▄─────────────────────────[ Release Notes ]───────────────────────────▄
   ▓                                                                     ▓
   ▒             This is build 1650.3...this is diffrent from
                     the 1650.0 that was released already                                                        ▒
   ░                                                                     ░

   ▄─────────────────────────[ Installation ]────────────────────────────▄
   ▓                                                                     ▓
   ▒                           Simply Unzip                              ▒
   ░                                                                     ░

   ▄─────────────────────────[  Group News  ]────────────────────────────▄
   ▓                                                                     ▓
   ▒  Welcome the Bong Boys to Siege: Smoking the Art scene together     ▒
   ░                                                                     ░
      SiEGE is  dedicated to bringing  you the best in PC  utilities and
      applications, while building upon the foundations of comradery and
      good sportsmanship that our  predecessors have laid. To contact us
      email or join #siege on efnet/xnet (IRC).

      ***NOTE: We do not mail missing disks, sell hardware/CDs nor do we
      offer  accounts on distribution  sites containing  pirated

   ▄────────────────────────[ SIEGE Membership ]─────────────────────────▄
   ▓                                                                     ▓
   ▒       = Chinablue = David & Goliath = Hemp Hoodlum = MozART =       ▒
   ░                                                                     ░
                          = Fuhrley = Psychotron =

 = 69 boy = Camera = Cyclops = Dalamar = Doze = Freeform = Golden = Gollie =
    = KMASS = KFlex = IV Horse = Lunatic Genius = Mad-3d = Muna = Nihil =
   = Pixel8 = Replicator = Roamer = ScubaDude = Snapz = Soulthief = Sozo =
      = SpeedMaster = Syntax Error = Teir = Tough Guy = Doc = Insain =
            = TParad0x = Typh = Union Jack = Wayward = Zipman =

   ▄──────────────────────────[ SIEGE Boards ]───────────────────────────▄
   ▓                                                                     ▓
   ▒  Board Name         Sysop         Number          N#    Position    ▒
   ░ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ░
      Etirnity           UNKNOWN       [XXX*XXX*XXX]  [XX]   FTP WHQ HQ
      Dataforce          UNKNOWN       [XXX]PRI-VATE  [18]   BBS US HQ
      Dragonlance        UNKNOWN       [+XX]PRI-VATE  [20]   BBS EURO HQ
      The Lost City      UNKNOWN       XXX.XXX.XXX.X  [XX]   RELEASE HQ
      The Rising Sun     UNKNOWN       XXX.XXX.XXX.X  [XX]   FTP USA HQ
      Falsehood          UNKNOWN       XXX.XXX.XXX.X  [XX]   FTP EURO HQ
      Delirivm           UNKNOWN       XXX.XXX.XXX.X  [XX]   Member Site
      Hxxxxxx Sxxxxxxxx  UNKNOWN       [XXX]PRI-VATE  [06]   Member
      Retaliators Place  UNKNOWN       [+XX]PRI-VATE  [03]   Member
      Star Trek T.N.G.   UNKNOWN       [+XX]PRI-VATE  [XX]   member

   ▄──────────────────────────[ SIEGE Greets ]───────────────────────────▄
   ▓                                                                     ▓
   ▒ There are so many people we would like to greet and thank for their ▒
   ░ support that it would be unfair to only greet some of them due to   ░
     space constraints. Hence we give one big greet to all our friends
     in the PC and Amiga scenes.

     Kisses to: RiSC - DEVOTION - APOC - CLASS - Hybrid - LND - DOD - PWA
     Disses to: X-Force...
░                                                                             ░
▒    Keep it real, fun and non-profit. If you like this software, pirate it.  ▒
▓                                                                             ▓
"Open up your eyes, ball up your knucklebone and start taking care of your own"

Bugs[edit | edit source]

Applications[edit | edit source]

It is recommended to run this build on 86Box or VARCem, otherwise many applications and Control Panel applets will not work or become broken.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]