Windows 98 build 1602

Build of Windows 98
Release nameBeta 2.1
OS familyWindows 9x
Version number4.10
Build number1602
Compiled on1997-10-06
Expiration date
Timebomb1998-03-31 (+176 days)
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows 98 build 1602 is the official Beta 2.1 (or "Beta 2 Refresh") release of Windows 98, even though build 1593 was labeled as Beta 3 on the boot screen. A Traditional Chinese warez CD list contains the (assumed) Traditional Chinese version of this build,[1] and a German version also exists as well.[2]

NFO files[edit | edit source]

The following NFO files were included as part of the Glow and IRN releases.[3]


         .ggg ggg                                          __  _
    .a!$$$$$²$$"                                       .&²''4P'²ba.
  .&$$²"²$$$ $l                   ggg.     .ggg      .a',gg,.g%.`^²4.4!b.
 ;$$P`   `P² ²',                  ;$$$l   l$$$;     ;$ ;$$$$$!&$&a. 'a;I$$!%a,.
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b,,a     b,,a,,d L  ggg         `²P     W    `4$$;  : ,d,.,d$&b,.,d. :l;    `²;
l$$$l  ²²$$$²$$$   ;$$$ %a.   ,&&.`            $$$; . l$$$$&P²4$$$$l :;'     ,l
 `4$$b,,a$$$ l$$b,,d$$$ '4$$&.$$$$    ..ggg    '~^` ,·`4!&P4alP4&$P'.d    .a!$$
  !P^"'²4$$$.;.P"'²4$$$   `4$$;$$$a  ²²$$$    ;%d!l;$lb.`l&a,,a&$`; :'∙.d$$$$$P
 ;$l    . "4`²'!%a.  "4    l$$l`4$$b,,dP²4b,,d$$P' l$$$'; `^²²^`,d$ba'!$$$$$$'
 l$$      $l ° lP²'   ; O  `²4! P"4P'²"²ad$$P"²4   `$$';$$$&aa&$$$$P',$$$$P'
 ;$$l    .db,,d$b,,a     .d!bl'd²`4$.  a$P`   .'   ;d; l&P',&$$$$P' .l$$P'.
  `4$b,,d$$$$P'`²4$$b,.,d$$P'ba;  d$;  l$;  a'   ,aP'  ;iP'²²"~^` .d!P'`:;l
    `'4P²"²P²`   "P`~4!$P;a,,d$b,,dP²4²4l  l;  .d'   ,lP'       .P²`.al. aI
      `!   ;      $   "l²4P²'4²4 ;$; l l$· .   Ii   ;$l        ;$Si;$$'   '
       lb,,d,    ;l;  ,d. `²²$a$  l  ∙ ;;.     `4ba,,dba,,..,,adSiIP$'
       `"²"`    ;$$P"^²'`     l$ l$· ° a$l       ^"²²4!P²4!¼¼!P²';Si'
                d$²4          ;$ $$l   l$$           ,d!ba,..,ad!P'
                ²4P²           l `²"   `!²           ;$²$$$$$baad!
                               ;                     l$a$$$$$$$$!;
                               $                    d²'"^`'~"'^``'
                              l$b                  ;     ,g!$$$$$!&.
                              ^²"                 .d    ,S$$$$$$$$$l
░=+--∙·-+=─-░░--─-─=──∙·+=──-░-─+-─·─∙─░─+-─·-∙ .dP;b,,di$$$$$$$$$$; -░-∙=·-░=+
   Info File Created By Black Knight For Glow  ;$$$$$;l&$$$$$$$$$P' Glow(c) 96'
-─·∙─+=─+-─-─∙--─-─░--─∙─+─=─+-─░--=-∙·-──+=- i$$$$$$;$$$$$$$$&P' -░--=+─·-∙·░─
  /-─--─-─---─--───----─-─--──---─-──-─---── `^"²²²"'`^~"²²"~` ---─-─-──-─-─-\
 |                   MicroSoft Windows 98 Beta 2 Refresh                      |                
 ┌│ Manufacturer: MicroSoft            | Ware Type    : os                    ;
 │| Supplied By : Lot Lizzard          │ Protection   : none                 │|
 il Packaged By : Team Glow            ; Rating 1/10  : you decide           |;
 l│ Cracked By  :                      │ Release Date : 10/09/97             :│
 └; OS Type     : Win98                l Size         : 75 Disks             │┘
  /-─--─-─---─-·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ Installing ░+=-─-─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌|                                                                          │┐
 │;                                                                          i│
 |│                                                                          │:
 │l                                                                          │|
 ││                                                                          ││
 ;:                                                                          :│
 i│                                                                          │l
 ││                                                                          ││
 │|   just unzip and run the setup.exe                                       |;
 l│                                                                          l│
 ││                                                                          │I
 └│                                ENJOY !                                   ;┘

  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ goddesses ░+=-──--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
  │                        SuperChic :: Lady Charon                          │
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░  council  ░+=-──--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
  │                   Jabbers :: MsBxtch :: WildWendy                        │
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░  seniors  ░+=-──--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌;                         Karen :: Druyen :: ang                           │┐
 └l                     Angela :: ShadowVLX :: Kristina                      |┘
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ security  ░+=-──--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
  |                   WaRHouND :: Catalina AZ :: Karen                       │
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-───=+░ net monkeys ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌|     Skylark :: Blade :: Psyber :: \Grooby\ :: ^^DINO^^ :: Mad aLeX       │┐
 ││ Hacir :: H_Man :: LordDeath :: CyberJak :: Tane :: Dead^Head :: DShadow  l│
 └  Genkeim :: Cheezer :: MyM :: vile :: EXxTANT :: Syntax :: UnEZ :: [2F]   |┘
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ bbs dist. ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ;:                    UnEZ Rider :: MacDaddy :: ][ce                        l│
 i│           HtlCalBBS :: Dark Knight :: Anjel :: Pancreas                  │l
  /-─--─-─----·∙─----·-∙-─--─=+░ i-net staff ░+=---─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 │     Celestial ::  Akasha :: No Fx Girl :: Babz :: Severina :: Damzel       │
 │                   Anjel :: Rockz :: Cathy18 :: Tina29                      │
  /-─--──----·∙──---·-∙-─--─=+░ artists/coders ░+=-─-─-─∙·--∙·----─-─-──-─-─-\
  |               Uncle Angst :: Topo :: Reformed :: Cindi                   │
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ bbs info. ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌;Women's World East :: 100 Nodes & Inet   :: 310 :: WLD HQ :: Wild Wendy   │┐
 |│               CHQ :: 8 Nodes & Inet Acc :: 216 :: EUS HQ :: UnEz Rider   ;│
 ││   Da' Crazy House :: 5 Nodes Ringdown   :: 415 :: WUS HQ :: MacDaddy     │|
 │:   DNA Project '96 :: 6 Nodes Ringdown   :: +61 :: AUS HQ :: DNA          I│
 i│       The Unknown :: 4 Nodes Ringdown   :: +44 :: EUR HQ :: ][ce         ;│
 |│  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  ││
 l│   Devil's Pulpit :: 2 Nodes Ringdown   :: 9o5 :: Member :: Skater Freak  │;
 │| Hotel California :: 8 Nodes Ringdown   ::     :: Member :: Elevator Man  │:
 ;l        The Cross :: 3 Nodes Ringdown   :: +61 :: Member :: Anjel         |│
 ││  ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown   :: ??? :: Member :: ?????         ││
 :│  ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown   :: ??? :: Member :: ?????         l│
 └│  ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown   :: ??? :: Member :: ?????         │┘
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ shoutouts ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌|          Razor 1911 :: PWA :: Motiv8 :: Stealth :: MasQue :: fATE        │┐
 |│           Devotion :: IRN :: Nemesis :: AFT :: PTM :: Amnesia            ;│
 └l                 EVERlast :: Phrozen Crew :: DoD :: BoNG                  |┘
   \─-─-─--─--·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ personals ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─--─-─-─-─-─-/
  ┌|    Orion :: vile :: DrmWEaver :: LeoDLioN :: Winter Hawk :: fuhrley    ;┐
  │l   MasterGuru :: Nine :: Jess :: YOS :: GodTrust :: Edge :: Marlenus    l│
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ couriers  ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌|    GLoW Curries are the Official Couriers for Gorgeous Ladies of \\'arez :┐
 ││               Spreading All that We release Da 31337 Way!                ││
 └;                Phrozen Crew are the 31337 Cracking Affil                 ;┘
                   GLoW (c) 1996 - Gorgeous Ladies of Warez
                       "we release more than just eggs"
                             updated (08/17/97)                                  

                               (Special Note)                                    

      GLoW currently has openings for female or male suppliers & crackers!     

      GLoWs Goddess's,Council,Seniors & Staff are Female ONLY! This is what   
      we are, A Female owned Release Group. We believe Executive Positions of
      GLoW are ONLY for Women! So Guys, watch out! You might be able
      to release here and there, but we Ladies release more than just eggs,
      besides, we also look much better in bikini's than you!

      Those not in the nfo: you know who you are and yes shouts to you too!

      Support the software companies! If you enjoy using a program or using a
      Util, consider buying it! Someone has to make it worth the programmer's
      effort to keep up the high standards.. They made it, so they DESERVE it!



                    .--. |   __ \ .--.--.              ____
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            /   /                 ____.--~ .   ` l /~\ \<|Y
           /   /             .-~~"        /| .    ',-~\ \L|
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         /   Y           .-"(  .  l__  j_j l_/ /~_.-~    .
        Y    l          /    \  )    ~~~." / `/"~ / \.__/l_
        |     \     _.-"      ~-{__     l  :  l._Z~-.___.--~
        |      ~---~           /   ~~"---\_  ' __[>
        l  .                _.^   ___     _>-y~
         \  \     .      .-~   .-~   ~>--"  /           DATE::  10 Oct 97
          \  ~---"            /     ./  _.-'
           "-.,_____.,_  _.--~\     _.-~
                       ~~     (   _}      -Row      PRESENTS::  Memphis_Beta2_Refresh_Edition-IrN
                               `. ~(                            
                                 )  \                      
                                /,`--'~\--'~\          DISKS::  75
Well can't get any easier, Unzip and install :)

Thanks to Nomadd for suppling this fresh release.


New features, changes and fixes[edit | edit source]

  • There are some changes to the Active Desktop and Windows Help.
  • The WINSETUP.BIN bug present since build 1500 has been fixed.
  • This build is the first to introduce the final sounds. Only the shutdown, tada, and notify sounds are still different, since the shutdown sound is longer and lower pitched than the final one, with only the startup sound being finalized. The startup sound has been changed in build 1629, tada and notify sounds have been changed in build 1633, and the shutdown sound has been changed in build 1687, but the old shutdown sound made it instead into the Windows 98 theme of Microsoft Plus! 98.
  • The loading animation in the boot screen has been slightly changed.

Quirks[edit | edit source]

In the German language version, Frontpage Express is in English.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

English language version[edit | edit source]

German language version (unleaked)[edit | edit source]

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]