Windows 98 build 1569

Build of Windows 98
OS familyWindows 9x
Version number4.10
Build number1569
Compiled on1997-08-18
Expiration date
Timebomb1998-01-31 (+166 days)
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows 98 build 1569 is a beta 2 build of Windows 98, which was originally leaked by GLoW on 23 August 1997 and later found on the Crazybytes 18 warez CD compilation.

NFO file[edit | edit source]

The following NFO file was included as part of the GLoW release.[1]

NFO contents

         .ggg ggg                                          __  _
    .a!$$$$$²$$"                                       .&²''4P'²ba.
  .&$$²"²$$$ $l                   ggg.     .ggg      .a',gg,.g%.`^²4.4!b.
 ;$$P`   `P² ²',                  ;$$$l   l$$$;     ;$ ;$$$$$!&$&a. 'a;I$$!%a,.
;'²²' G   a& &P^                .&$!²`     `²$$&.   l; iP²'4$$P'²4a: ib.`'4$$$$
b,,a     b,,a,,d L  ggg         `²P     W    `4$$;  : ,d,.,d$&b,.,d. :l;    `²;
l$$$l  ²²$$$²$$$   ;$$$ %a.   ,&&.`            $$$; . l$$$$&P²4$$$$l :;'     ,l
 `4$$b,,a$$$ l$$b,,d$$$ '4$$&.$$$$    ..ggg    '~^` ,·`4!&P4alP4&$P'.d    .a!$$
  !P^"'²4$$$.;.P"'²4$$$   `4$$;$$$a  ²²$$$    ;%d!l;$lb.`l&a,,a&$`; :'∙.d$$$$$P
 ;$l    . "4`²'!%a.  "4    l$$l`4$$b,,dP²4b,,d$$P' l$$$'; `^²²^`,d$ba'!$$$$$$'
 l$$      $l ° lP²'   ; O  `²4! P"4P'²"²ad$$P"²4   `$$';$$$&aa&$$$$P',$$$$P'
 ;$$l    .db,,d$b,,a     .d!bl'd²`4$.  a$P`   .'   ;d; l&P',&$$$$P' .l$$P'.
  `4$b,,d$$$$P'`²4$$b,.,d$$P'ba;  d$;  l$;  a'   ,aP'  ;iP'²²"~^` .d!P'`:;l
    `'4P²"²P²`   "P`~4!$P;a,,d$b,,dP²4²4l  l;  .d'   ,lP'       .P²`.al. aI
      `!   ;      $   "l²4P²'4²4 ;$; l l$· .   Ii   ;$l        ;$Si;$$'   '
       lb,,d,    ;l;  ,d. `²²$a$  l  ∙ ;;.     `4ba,,dba,,..,,adSiIP$'
       `"²"`    ;$$P"^²'`     l$ l$· ° a$l       ^"²²4!P²4!¼¼!P²';Si'
                d$²4          ;$ $$l   l$$           ,d!ba,..,ad!P'
                ²4P²           l `²"   `!²           ;$²$$$$$baad!
                               ;                     l$a$$$$$$$$!;
                               $                    d²'"^`'~"'^``'
                              l$b                  ;     ,g!$$$$$!&.
                              ^²"                 .d    ,S$$$$$$$$$l
░=+--∙·-+=─-░░--─-─=──∙·+=──-░-─+-─·─∙─░─+-─·-∙ .dP;b,,di$$$$$$$$$$; -░-∙=·-░=+
   Info File Created By Black Knight For Glow  ;$$$$$;l&$$$$$$$$$P' Glow(c) 96'
-─·∙─+=─+-─-─∙--─-─░--─∙─+─=─+-─░--=-∙·-──+=- i$$$$$$;$$$$$$$$&P' -░--=+─·-∙·░─
  /-─--─-─---─--───----─-─--──---─-──-─---── `^"²²²"'`^~"²²"~` ---─-─-──-─-─-\
 |                          Windows 98 Build 1569                             l
 ┌│ Manufacturer: Microsoft            | Ware Type    : OS                    ;
 │| Supplied By : ^Eternal^            │ Protection   : none                 │|
 il Packaged By : Team Glow            ; Rating 1/10  : you decide           |;
 l│ Cracked By  : noone                │ Release Date : 08/23/97             :│
 └; OS Type     : Win98                l Size         : BiG =)               │┘
  /-─--─-─---─-·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ Installing ░+=-─-─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌|                                                                          │┐
 │;  Unpack and just run setup.exe                                           i│
 |│                                                                          │:
 │l                                                                          │|
 ││                                                                          ││
 ;:                                                                          :│
 i│                                                                          │l
 ││                                                                          ││
 │|                                                                          |;
 l│                                                                          l│
 ││               Enjoy it!                                                  │I
 └│                                                                          ;┘


  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ goddesses ░+=-──--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
  │                        SuperChic :: Lady Charon                          │
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░  council  ░+=-──--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
  │                   Jabbers :: MsBxtch :: WildWendy                        │
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░  seniors  ░+=-──--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌;                         Karen :: Druyen :: ang                           │┐
 └l                     Angela :: ShadowVLX :: Kristina                      |┘
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ security  ░+=-──--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
  |                   WaRHouND :: Catalina AZ :: Karen                       │
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-───=+░ net monkeys ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌|     Skylark :: Blade :: Psyber :: \Grooby\ :: ^^DINO^^ :: Mad aLeX       │┐
 ││ Hacir :: H_Man :: LordDeath :: CyberJak :: Tane :: Dead^Head :: DShadow  l│
 └  Genkeim :: Cheezer :: MyM :: vile :: EXxTANT :: Syntax :: UnEZ :: [2F]   |┘
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ bbs dist. ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ;:                    UnEZ Rider :: MacDaddy :: ][ce                        l│
 i│           HtlCalBBS :: Dark Knight :: Anjel :: Pancreas                  │l
  /-─--─-─----·∙─----·-∙-─--─=+░ i-net staff ░+=---─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 │     Celestial ::  Akasha :: No Fx Girl :: Babz :: Severina :: Damzel       │
 │                   Anjel :: Rockz :: Cathy18 :: Tina29                      │
  /-─--──----·∙──---·-∙-─--─=+░ artists/coders ░+=-─-─-─∙·--∙·----─-─-──-─-─-\
  |               Uncle Angst :: Topo :: Reformed :: Cindi                   │
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ bbs info. ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌;Women's World East :: 100 Nodes & Inet   :: 310 :: WLD HQ :: Wild Wendy   │┐
 |│               CHQ :: 8 Nodes & Inet Acc :: 216 :: EUS HQ :: UnEz Rider   ;│
 ││   Da' Crazy House :: 5 Nodes Ringdown   :: 415 :: WUS HQ :: MacDaddy     │|
 │:   DNA Project '96 :: 6 Nodes Ringdown   :: +61 :: AUS HQ :: DNA          I│
 i│       The Unknown :: 4 Nodes Ringdown   :: +44 :: EUR HQ :: ][ce         ;│
 |│  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  ││
 l│   Devil's Pulpit :: 2 Nodes Ringdown   :: 9o5 :: Member :: Skater Freak  │;
 │| Hotel California :: 8 Nodes Ringdown   ::     :: Member :: Elevator Man  │:
 ;l        The Cross :: 3 Nodes Ringdown   :: +61 :: Member :: Anjel         |│
 ││  ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown   :: ??? :: Member :: ?????         ││
 :│  ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown   :: ??? :: Member :: ?????         l│
 └│  ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown   :: ??? :: Member :: ?????         │┘
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ shoutouts ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌|          Razor 1911 :: PWA :: Motiv8 :: Stealth :: MasQue :: fATE        │┐
 |│           Devotion :: IRN :: Nemesis :: AFT :: PTM :: Amnesia            ;│
 └l                    EVERlast :: Phrozen Crew :: DoD                       |┘
   \─-─-─--─--·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ personals ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─--─-─-─-─-─-/
  ┌|    Orion :: vile :: DrmWEaver :: LeoDLioN :: Winter Hawk : |LeStat|    ;┐
  │l   MasterGuru :: Nine :: Jess :: YOS :: GodTrust :: Edge :: Marlenus    l│
  /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ couriers  ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\
 ┌|     Motiv8 are the Official Couriers for Gorgeous Ladies of \\'arez      :┐
 └;               Spreading All that We release Da 31337 Way!                ;┘
                   GLoW (c) 1996 - Gorgeous Ladies of Warez
                       "we release more than just eggs"
                             updated (08/17/97)                                  

                               (Special Note)                                    

      GLoW currently has openings for female or male suppliers & crackers!     

      GLoWs Goddess's,Council,Seniors & Staff are Female ONLY! This is what   
      we are, A Female owned Release Group. We believe Executive Positions of
      GLoW are ONLY for Women! So Guys, watch out! You might be able
      to release here and there, but we Ladies release more than just eggs,
      besides, we also look much better in bikini's than you!

      Those not in the nfo: you know who you are and yes shouts to you too!

      Support the software companies! If you enjoy using a program or using a
      Util, consider buying it! Someone has to make it worth the programmer's
      effort to keep up the high standards.. They made it, so they DESERVE it!


New features and changes[edit | edit source]

  • The Windows Explorer style was reverted to a style that is similar to what is seen in older builds.
  • Various new icons are used for certain items such as My Computer and the Recycle Bin, as opposed to the Plus! 95 icons seen in earlier builds.
  • Changed the introductory video in the Welcome to Windows 98 applet. Said video focuses on a brief history of multimedia. It would later be reused in Release Candidate builds of Windows Me.
    • Additionally, leftover references to Memphis were replaced with Windows 98.
  • Microsoft Wallet is included in the list of optional components in setup, although it is unclear where or if it is attached to the user interface anywhere.
  • There are some new options in the Add User wizard that would make their way into the final build of Windows 98.
  • Microsoft NetMeeting is included, this time version 2.1.
  • Microsoft Agent 1.5 is included.
  • This is the first build to include MSConfig.
  • The About box of Internet Explorer 4 received its final appearance, except that the OK button looks different compared to later builds.
  • The Windows Help interface has been overhauled again, with the Internet Explorer-based HelpDesk being replaced by the Windows 98 Online Help, which is based on the HTML Help framework.
  • An additional "Microsoft" string has been added to the Computer section of System Properties, causing the string which shows the installed RAM to disappear. It was later removed initially in build 1619, then re-added in build 1633 and finally removed permanently in build 1720.

Setup[edit | edit source]

  • The billboards have been updated and the text has been enlarged as well.
  • The "Setup steps" string located at the top of the sidebar has been removed.
  • The turning page sound has been removed.

Microsoft Family Logon[edit | edit source]

A new banner (bizarrely using Windows 95 branding) has been introduced, which is now at the top rather than on the left side.

Bugs[edit | edit source]

Installation[edit | edit source]

Setup has a WINSETUP.BIN that is not recognized by setup at all times and causes setup to crash on most virtualizers except Microsoft Virtual PC, 86Box, VARCem, and some versions of VMware, due to incorrect emulation of the segment limits of the CPU core. To patch this build to run on any virtualizer, use a WINSETUP.BIN from an earlier build or the RTM.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]