Windows 2000 build 1964

Build of Windows 2000
OS familyWindows NT
Version number5.0
Build number1964
Build revision1
Compiled on1999-01-21
Expiration date
Timebomb1999-09-18 (+240 days)
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows 2000 build 1964 is a Beta 3 build of Windows 2000, which was originally found on 23 June 2015.[1]

It lacks a proper branding, having "2000 Server" branded in places such as the boot screen and login banners, "NT 5.0 Beta 2" branded in others such as the lanmannt.bmp and lanma256.bmp bitmaps, and "2000 Professional" branded in winver and the default Active Desktop wallpaper.

Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Changed the icons, hibernation and safe to shutdown screens to the versions used in the RTM.
  • The "Network and Dial-Up Connections" applet received another new icon, now with the computers overlapping.
  • The icons in the toolbar of Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer have been slightly shrunken in spacing between them.
  • The ver command for Command Prompt now reports the same version string as in the header rather than printing out the version number only.
  • The shell has seen an update, with new branding and a new Active Desktop wallpaper. However, the old NT 5.0 branding is still present in a few places, like the bootloader and the "Logon Screensaver".
  • Windows now uses the new symc8xx.sys driver for newer models of the Symbios Logic 53C8xx line of SCSI host adapters instead of symc810.sys.
  • This is the first available builds to move device drivers into

Bugs and quirks[edit | edit source]

  • The banner of the Configure Your Server Wizard cannot be displayed, as instead an error page takes place.
  • The About box of Internet Explorer 5 does not display the version number, as the "Version" string was left blank. This can also be seen in build 1965.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Setup[edit | edit source]

Interface[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]