Shell Technology Preview build 1054

3.51.1054 STP
Build of Shell Technology Preview
OS familyWindows NT
Version number3.51
Build number1054
Architecturex86, DEC Alpha, MIPS, PowerPC
Compiled on1995-05-28
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Shell Technology Preview build 1054 (also known as Shell Technology Preview or NewShell) is a replacement shell provided by Microsoft for testing with Windows 95-compliant applications in Windows NT. The end result is a pre-release version of the Windows NT 4.0 shell and user interface, complete with icons and some feature additions. This version also makes Windows NT 3.51 identify itself as Windows NT 4.0, allowing certain NT 4.0 programs to run on NT 3.51 due to the NT version being NT 4.0.

Installation[edit | edit source]

Run SHUPDATE.CMD from the installation media. Note that to use Briefcase, you must have Service Pack 5 of Windows NT 3.51 installed. Updating the Service Pack will require you to uninstall NewShell first. Note that NewShell will not install on pre-release builds of the aforementioned operating system.

Quirks[edit | edit source]

  • RUNONCE.EXE contains an unused bitmap resource that is a copy of the setup background used in Windows 95 builds 73f to 122; its dialog titlebar also references Windows 95.