Windows NT 3.5 build 622

Build of Windows NT 3.5
OS familyWindows NT
Version number3.5
Build number622
Build revision1

Windows NT 3.5 build 622 is an unleaked build of Windows NT 3.5, mentioned in files NLPCACHE.C and NLPCACHE.H from the Windows NT 4.0 source code.

// Revision numbers
//      The first release of NT (NT1.0) didn't explicitly store
//      a revision number.  However, we are designating that release
//      to be revision 0x00010000 (1.0).  NT1.0A is being designated
//      as revision 0x00010002 (1.2).  Previous to build 622 is revision
//      0x00010001 (1.1).
// This is the structure used in Daytona through build 622 or so, and
// is preserved for backwards compatibility.