Windows Feature Experience Pack build 321.4803.0.3

Build of Windows Feature Experience Pack
Compatible withWindows 10 build 21313 and higher

Windows Feature Experience Pack build 321.4803.0.3 is a build of Feature Experience Pack. This build was first included in the MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_cw5n1h2txyewy package from Windows 10 build 21313's installation image, which was replaced by a lower build during setup. It wouldn't be used as the Feature Experience Pack version of a Windows 10 build until build 21327, where the files were preserved after installation.

This Feature Experience Pack build is notable for including a comment about Windows 11 build 21306 in the package's AppxManifest.xml, which stated that version 2.6 of Microsoft.UI.Xaml had just arrived with this build to the rs_wdx branch, and that not all branches were at build 21306 yet.

    TODO: Leave this out initially since the 2.6 version only just arrived in 21306 to rs_wdx* and not all branches are at 21306 yet.