Windows 95 build 165

Build of Windows 95
OS familyWindows 9x
Version number4.00
Build number165
Compiled on1994

Windows 95 build 165 is a build of Windows 95. It is mentioned in the Release Notes from builds 180 and 189, along with builds 166 and 170. It is also mentioned inside of KERNEL32.DLL in build 189.

KERNEL32.DLL[edit | edit source]

This API going away in build 165.  Notify KevinR that it was callled !!!

Release notes[edit | edit source]

PS/2 Mouse
Anyone installing build 166 over 165 on a machine with a PS/2 mouse should
change the line DOS=LOW,UMB in CONFIG.SYS to DOS=HIGH,UMB before
installing. This will fix the problem of not being able to move the
mouse (and probably use the keyboard) during setup.