Windows 8 build 9200 (fbl_eeap)

Build of Windows 8
OS familyWindows NT
Version number6.2
Build number9200
Build revision0
Build labfbl_eeap
Compiled on2012-07-28
Expiration date
Timebomb2013-01-15 (+171 days)
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows 8 build 9200 (fbl_eeap) is a post-RTM build of Windows 8, which was released to Microsoft partners through the Ecosystem Engineering Access Program (EEAP) and uploaded on 29 June 2022 in the qps-ploc pseudo-locale, with the English (United States) variant later uploaded on 13 September 2024. Although it was compiled three days after the RTM build, it has certain similarities to earlier builds, such as the included set of wallpapers, which suggests that the fbl_eeap branch was not fully synchronized with the main branch towards the conclusion of mainline Windows 8 development.

This build is available in the qps-ploc pseudo-locale - an automatically generated localization based on the English (United States) locale, significantly modified away from the original to test internationalization capabilities. These modifications include the addition of a five-character prefix identifying each localized string, replacement of standard Latin characters with ones featuring diacritics or similar characters from other writing systems, or the extension of certain strings' length by through the addition of exclamation marks at the end of a string.

Editions and keys[edit | edit source]

Edition / SKU Name Key
ProfessionalWMC (edition upgrade only) MBFBV-W3DP2-2MVKN-PJCQD-KKTF7

Gallery[edit | edit source]

English version[edit | edit source]

Pseudo-locale version[edit | edit source]