Windows 8 build 7874

Build of Windows 8
OS familyWindows NT
Version number6.2
Build number7874
Build revision0
Build labfbl_dnt1
Compiled on2010-10-31

Windows 8 build 7874 is a Milestone 2 build of Windows 8 that is referenced in the Windows Hardware Certification Kit for build 8250, along with build 7811.

// We get the WTT\OSBinRoot which looks like this - \\\WinCoreRelease1\fbl_dnt1\7874.0.101031-2000\amd64fre\bin. We extract the buildpath 
// and the buildnumber to make it simpler for copying the vhds. Hard-coding 2,3,4,5 since thats the standard way a WTT\OSBinRoot is constructed.