Windows 10 Mobile build 14278 (rs1)

Build of Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update
OS familyWindows 10 (NT 10.0)
Version number10.0
Build number14278
Build revision0
ArchitectureARM32, x86
Build labrs1
Compiled on2016-02-27
About dialog
Windows 10 Mobile-10.0.14278.0-About.png

Windows 10 Mobile build 14278 (rs1) is an internal build of Windows 10 Mobile Anniversary Update, which was uploaded to BetaArchive on 13 May 2020 as images in the selfhost variant for the Lumia 640, 640XL and 950 devices, along with two emulator images in the multi-language and psuedo-locale configurations.[1]

While having no visual changes and updates, due to being in the selfhost variant, a normally hidden feature is visible in the Messaging app.

Installation[edit | edit source]

Guide for installing this build on a production Lumia 640, 640XL or 950:

New features and changes[edit | edit source]

Messaging[edit | edit source]

Even though this version of the Messaging application is identical to the one found in build 14276, as a result of this build being in the selfhost variant, a new "Messaging everywhere" feature is now present in the Settings menu of the app. In this menu, the user can enable the option to sync texts on all of the user's Windows devices. When enabled, if a message is sent on the user's desktop, the message will naturally get synced over to Mobile and vice versa.

Bugs and quirks[edit | edit source]

Sound[edit | edit source]

The unlock and lock sounds are downsampled from stereo to mono, resulting in a noticeable drop in quality.

zApps[edit | edit source]

Due to this build being a selfhost image, the following zApps are included in this build:

  • zAAD TB Test App
  • zBattInfo
  • zCellular Status
  • zDebugMenu
  • zFeedbackHub
  • zIrisTestUnlockEnroll
  • zPhotoPrint
  • zSensorView
  • zSystemInfo

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]