Visual Studio 2005 build 30703.27

Build of Visual Studio 2005
VSWhidbey 8.0.30703.27 StartWindow.png
VSWhidbey 8.0.30703.27 About.png

Visual Studio 2005 build 30703.27 is a Milestone 2 build of Visual Studio 2005, which was released alongside Windows Longhorn build 4051 in PDC '03 in DVD format. It was also distributed in CD format in the DevDays 2004 event in Belgium.[1] It still uses the "Microsoft Development Environment" name.

NFO file[edit | edit source]

NFO contents

			            #############  ###        ###                      
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                           _       ___       ____       __                             
                          | |     / (_)___  / __ )___  / /_____ _                      
                          | | /| / / / __ \/ __  / _ \/ __/ __ `/                      
                          | |/ |/ / / / / / /_/ /  __/ /_/ /_/ /                       
                          |__/|__/_/_/ /_/_____/\___/\__/\__,_/                        
  |                     Microsoft Visual Studio Whidbey PDC build                     |
  |            - Source: Persephone             - Type: Developer Tools               |
  |            - Packaged By: Winbeta           - Image Format:Rar                    |
  |            - Files: V.S.Whidbey_PDC_Winbeta.part00x                               |
  |            - Number of CD's: 1                - Protection: My Zipper             |
  |            - Archives: 56 x 50 MB             - Release Date: 10/25/03            |
  |            - Review:                   |
  |            - Hardware Requirements: 600+ Mhz CPU, 128 MB RAM, 6.5+ GB HD Space    |
  <---------------------------- R E L E A S E  N O T E S ----------------------------->
   PDC 2003 is being widely heralded by the development community as a "must-attend"  
   event for enterprise developers, software architects, software engineers, Web      
   developers, and Web development managers wanting to stay in sync with Microsoft's  
   platform roadmap. 

   The Whidbey release of Visual Studio and the .NET Framework will make strides in all
   dimensions of application development. First, VisualStudio Whidbey will set a new bar 
   for developer productivity by tailoring the software development experience to the
   needs of the individual developer. This "personalized productivity" will deliver
   features across the development environment and .NET Framework class libraries to
   help developers overcome their most pressing challenges in minimal time. Second,
   Whidbey will enable developers to apply existing skills across a broader range of
   application development scenarios through improved integration with the Microsoft
   Office System and SQL Server Yukon. Finally, Whidbey will deliver a new set of tools
   and functionality that will help satisfy the application development needs of today's
   large-scale enterprises.
   Experience the future of application development with Visual Studio "Whidbey."     
   Extend your power and productivity with upcoming versions of Microsoft Visual      
   Studio®. Unleash the power of advanced Web services, harness business processes,   
   and transform database programming with "Yukon." See the latest innovation in      
   Visual C#®, Visual C++®, Visual Basic®, and other programming languages.           
   Take Web services to the next level with Microsoft .NET connected software. Web    
   services have become the industry choice for connecting systems. At PDC 2003,      
   you'll see where Web services are going next, with new capabilities, advanced      
   infrastructure tools, and new opportunities.                                       
  <----------------------------- I N S T A L L  N O T E S ---------------------------->
  1.) Unpack.                                                                          
  2.) Burn to DVD, or Install from location                                                                      
  3.) Enjoy!                                                                         
 <------------------------ ENJOY ANOTHER FINE RELEASE BY WiNBETA --------------------->
 |                              Always here From the beginning.....                   |
                            Contact us at                          

Changes[edit | edit source]

Setup[edit | edit source]

A development environment configuration can now be selected when installing Visual Studio.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Setup[edit | edit source]

MSDN Library[edit | edit source]

Development Environment[edit | edit source]

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]