
Not to be confused with HarmonyOS, which is based on AOSP; or HarmonyOS NEXT, which is close-sourced version of OpenHarmony, and HarmonyOS NEXT on Kirin 9000S and Kirin 9010 platforms doesn't use Linux kernel (use hmkernel according to uname -a output).

Distribution of Linux
Ohos logo.png
HMOS NEXT emulator.png
Architecturex86_64, arm64
Release type
Initial versionOpenHarmony 1
Latest versionOpenHarmony 4
Initial release10 September 2020
User interface
Package manager

OpenHarmony is an open source project derived from Huawei's LiteOS incubated and operated by the OpenAtom Open Source Foundation and operated by the OpenHarmony Project Group Working Committee of the OpenAtom Open Source Foundation.

Support[edit | edit source]

  • OpenHarmony 1.x supports smartphones up to 128MB RAM,
  • 2.x supports smartphones up to 4GB RAM,
  • 3.x supports more devices up to more than 4GB RAM

Timeline[edit | edit source]

Name Release Date
OpenHarmony 1.x 10 September 2020
OpenHarmony 2.x 1 June 2021
OpenHarmony 3.x 30 September 2021
OpenHarmony 4.x 26 October 2023