Windows XP build 2260

Build of Windows XP
OS familyWindows NT
Version number5.1
Build number2260
Build revision0
Build labLab06_N
Compiled on2000-08-15

Windows XP build 2260 is a build of Windows XP. It is referenced in a Microsoft video titled "The Daily Build Cycle of Whistler", dated most likely within the second week of August 2000. It is mentioned by one of the individuals 24 seconds into the footage.[1]

A binary with the file version set to this build is present within the Windows XP Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2003 source code, confirming both the full string of this build and the approximate date of the video being recorded.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Microsoft. The Daily Build Cycle of Whistler, August 2000.