Windows Me build 2499.3

Build of Windows Me
Release nameBeta 3-RC1
OS familyWindows 9x
Version number4.90
Build number2499
Build revision3
Compiled on2000-03-29
Expiration date
Timebomb2000-08-15 (+139 days)
Product key
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows Me build 2499.3 is the official "Beta 3-RC1" build of Windows Me, released on 30 March 2000[1]. It is an earlier compile of the official beta 3 release.

NFO file[edit | edit source]

NFO contents

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   Info File Created By Slaktaran For GLoW    ;$$$$$;l&$$$$$$$$$P' GLoW(c)`96
■─═════════════════════════════════════════─■ i$$$$$$;$$$$$$$$&P' ■─═════════─■
┌──────────────────────────────────────────── `^"²²²"'`^~"²²"~` ──────────────┐
│                    WINDOWS MILLENIUM RELEASE CANDIDATE                      │
┌┤ Manufacturer: WWW.BILLGATES.COM     │ Ware Type   : OS                    ├┐
││ Supplied By : The Gals at GLoW      │ Protection  : PID                   ││
││ Packaged By : The Gals at GLoW      │ Rating 1/10 : You Decide!           ││
││ Cracked By  : NA                    │ Release Date: 03/31/00              ││
└┤ OS Type     : WIN                   │ Size        : 27 x 5 megs           ├┘
  │                  GLoW's Man of the Month for March                      │
  │                      »■»■»■»■»thesaint »■»■»■»■»■»                      │
  │                  If Only ALL Men Were This Good! =)...                  │



╔╣                                                                           ╠╗
║║ Just unzip, use winrar and run Setup.exe                                  ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║ PID: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG                                        ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║                                                                           ║║

║║                                                                           ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║      THIS WAS PACKED USING RIPIT 2000 v1.47 the BEST packer there is.     ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
╚╣                  Another great release from GLoW team!!!                  ╠╝


║                       ☼☼  Lady Charon ☼☼ Jabbers ☼☼                         ║

║                                ☼☼ Angela ☼☼                                 ║

║                               ☼☼ WildWendy ☼☼                               ║

╔═══════════════════════════─■Kings of our Hearts■─═══════════════════════════╗
║ ☼☼ acidbrnd^ ☼☼ Budness ☼☼ Dino ☼☼ ENT ☼☼ houndie ☼☼ jbhunt ☼☼ |daphantm ☼☼ ║
║    ☼☼ thesaint ☼☼ UnEZ ☼☼ SKiTZ ☼☼ Spider] ☼☼ LATiTUDE ☼☼ Temptation ☼☼     ║
║    ☼☼         `dave`              ☼☼   Homith    `Jade                      ║


║         ☼☼ MzBxtch ☼☼ Shadowvlx ☼☼ flwrbabe ☼☼ Nine ☼☼ Ladyhawke ☼☼         ║

╔═════════════════════════════─■High Priestess■─══════════════════════════════╗
║                          ☼☼ Amethyst ☼☼ `Mystic ☼☼                          ║
║                       ☼☼ Karen ☼☼ Nelapsi ☼☼ Druyan ☼☼                      ║

║                       Spider]   S3KT0R   Alamaise                           ║

║                                                                             ║

║                  ☼☼ vqf  ☼☼ thin` ☼☼   `Jade & WA ☼☼                        ║

╔═══════════════════════════════─■Net Monkeys■─═══════════════════════════════╗
║       ☼☼ arlo ☼☼ Psyber ☼☼ Megaman ☼☼ albaby ☼☼ SuprHackr ☼☼ xbone ☼☼       ║
║       ☼☼ Dead^Head ☼☼ Taral ☼☼ Gotan ☼☼ TUTTi ☼☼ Quarx ☼☼ PowrTool ☼☼       ║
║       ☼☼ Esper ☼☼ Cheezer ☼☼ Archimede ☼☼ Koko ☼☼ Tane ☼☼ ScubaDude ☼☼      ║
║      ☼☼ Rancid ☼☼ IronWolf ☼☼ Homith ☼☼ DaVinci ☼☼ Beck ☼☼ SkippyDoo ☼☼     ║

║                ☼☼ Reformed ☼☼ Cindi ☼☼ tHATDUDE ☼☼ Spider] ☼☼               ║

║                  ☼☼ Razor 1911 ☼☼ PWA ☼☼ MasQue ☼☼ BoNG ☼☼                  ║
║              ☼☼ Devotion ☼☼ IRN ☼☼ Nemesis ☼☼ CORE ☼☼ TRPS ☼☼               ║
║                     ☼☼ Phrozen Crew ☼☼ Rebels ☼☼ PDM ☼☼ DOD ☼☼              ║

║      ☼☼ Jess ☼☼ Cycl0ps ☼☼ Kathy- ☼☼ Rockz ☼☼ TheAsylum ☼☼ Sanctuari ☼☼     ║
║   ☼☼ WinterHawk ☼☼ Mystic Rioter ☼☼ Chinablu ☼☼ Marlenus ☼☼ JimmyJamez ☼☼   ║
║                       ☼☼ Akasha ☼☼ Nine ☼☼ Nelapsi ☼☼                       ║

╔╣                                                                           ╠╗
║║                GLoW (c) 1996 - Gorgeous Ladies of Warez                   ║║
║║                    "we release more than just eggs"                       ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║           GLoW Couriers Spread All that We release Da 31337 Way!          ║║
║║                          updated (12/08/98)                               ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║                            (Special Note)                                 ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║  GLoW currently has openings for female or male suppliers & crackers!     ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║                GLoW's Goddess's, Council are Female ONLY!                 ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║    * Ladies.. if your tired of being a "channel ornament" for a guy's     ║║
║║      group...Bring yourself and your skills to us and enjoy the fun!      ║║
║║    * Hug's and Kiss's from all of us to our Hunny of the Month!           ║║

║                 ☼☼ warhound ☼☼ JBHunt ☼☼ Budness ☼☼ UnEZ ☼☼                 ║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║  Those not in the nfo: you know who you are and yes shouts to you too!    ║║
║║                                                                           ║║
║║  Support the software companies! If you enjoy using a program or using a  ║║
║║  Util, consider buying it! Someone has to make it worth the programmer's  ║║
║║  effort to keep up the high standards. They made it, so they DESERVE it!  ║║
╚╣                                                                           ╠╝


                            Packaged with RipIt2000 by CFA

Changes[edit | edit source]

Windows Media Player 7 is once again included, but now alongside with the older version 6.4. A desktop shortcut has been added as well.

Neptune reference[edit | edit source]

A file named ICMUI.DLL, with the version number 5.50.5117.1 was found in this Windows Me build, but it is unknown whether this Neptune build was ever compiled.

Some speculate this would've been a Milestone 2 build. It would've been compiled someday after 11 December 1999, meaning it would be one of the last Neptune builds before the Neptune project was canceled in January 2000.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]