Windows Andromeda OS build 17686

Build of Windows Andromeda OS
OS familyWindows 10 (NT 10.0)
Version number10.0
Build number17686
Compiled on2018-06-06

Windows Andromeda OS build 17686 is a build of Windows Andromeda OS. It was demonstrated by Windows Central on 22 January 2022, running on a Microsoft Lumia 950.[1]

The demonstrated build is based on 10.0.17686.1003.rs_onecore_dep_uxp_dev.180606-1600, with a large part of the operating system being replaced by privately built components with the build tag 10.0.17686.1002.rs_onecore_dep_uxp_dev(regisb).180605-1456.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Bowden, Zac. This is Microsoft's canceled Andromeda OS running on a Lumia 950, Windows Central. 22 January 2022.