Windows 98 build 1681
Build of Windows 98 | |
![]() | |
OS family | Windows 9x |
Version number | 4.10 |
Build number | 1681 |
Architecture | x86 |
Compiled on | 1998-02-01 |
Expiration date | |
Timebomb | 1998-12-31 (+333 days) |
About dialog | |
Windows 98 build 1681 is a beta 3 build of Windows 98, released as an "Interim Update" on 6 February 1998.
NFO file[edit | edit source]
The following NFO file was included as part of the GLoW release.[1]
NFO contents
.ggg ggg __ _ .a!$$$$$²$$" .&²''4P'²ba. .&$$²"²$$$ $l ggg. .ggg .a',gg,.g%.`^²4.4!b. ;$$P` `P² ²', ;$$$l l$$$; ;$ ;$$$$$!&$&a. 'a;I$$!%a,. ;'²²' G a& &P^ .&$!²` `²$$&. l; iP²'4$$P'²4a: ib.`'4$$$$ b,,a b,,a,,d L ggg `²P W `4$$; : ,d,.,d$&b,.,d. :l; `²; l$$$l ²²$$$²$$$ ;$$$ %a. ,&&.` $$$; . l$$$$&P²4$$$$l :;' ,l `4$$b,,a$$$ l$$b,,d$$$ '4$$&.$$$$ ..ggg '~^` ,·`4!&P4alP4&$P'.d .a!$$ !P^"'²4$$$.;.P"'²4$$$ `4$$;$$$a ²²$$$ ;%d!l;$lb.`l&a,,a&$`; :'∙.d$$$$$P ;$l . "4`²'!%a. "4 l$$l`4$$b,,dP²4b,,d$$P' l$$$'; `^²²^`,d$ba'!$$$$$$' l$$ $l ° lP²' ; O `²4! P"4P'²"²ad$$P"²4 `$$';$$$&aa&$$$$P',$$$$P' ;$$l .db,,d$b,,a .d!bl'd²`4$. a$P` .' ;d; l&P',&$$$$P' .l$$P'. `4$b,,d$$$$P'`²4$$b,.,d$$P'ba; d$; l$; a' ,aP' ;iP'²²"~^` .d!P'`:;l `'4P²"²P²` "P`~4!$P;a,,d$b,,dP²4²4l l; .d' ,lP' .P²`.al. aI `! ; $ "l²4P²'4²4 ;$; l l$· . Ii ;$l ;$Si;$$' ' lb,,d, ;l; ,d. `²²$a$ l ∙ ;;. `4ba,,dba,,..,,adSiIP$' `"²"` ;$$P"^²'` l$ l$· ° a$l ^"²²4!P²4!¼¼!P²';Si' d$²4 ;$ $$l l$$ ,d!ba,..,ad!P' ²4P² l `²" `!² ;$²$$$$$baad! ; l$a$$$$$$$$!; $ d²'"^`'~"'^``' l$b ; ,g!$$$$$!&. ^²" .d ,S$$$$$$$$$l ░=+--∙·-+=─-░░--─-─=──∙·+=──-░-─+-─·─∙─░─+-─·-∙ .dP;b,,di$$$$$$$$$$; -░-∙=·-░=+ Info File Created By Black Knight For GLoW ;$$$$$;l&$$$$$$$$$P' GLoW(c) 96' -─·∙─+=─+-─-─∙--─-─░--─∙─+─=─+-─░--=-∙·-──+=- i$$$$$$;$$$$$$$$&P' -░--=+─·-∙·░─ ;$$$$$$;l$$$$$$$$$; /-─--─-─---─--───----─-─--──---─-──-─---── `^"²²²"'`^~"²²"~` ---─-─-──-─-─-\ | Windows 98 Build 1681 | >--─-───--─-─-─-──--─-──-─-──-─-──--─┬-─-─-─-──--───--─-──-─-──---──-──---─< ┌│ Manufacturer: Microsoft | Ware Type : os !┐ │| Supplied By : sanc │ Protection : │| il Packaged By : Team GLoW ; Rating 1/10 : !!!!!!!!!! |; l│ Cracked By : │ Release Date : 03/26/98 :│ └; OS Type : win98 l Size : 73 disks │┘ \-─--─-─-──---─-───--─-───-─-───--─-─+--─-──-─--─-─-──--─-─-─-──---─-─-─--─/ ││ **** GLoW's Man of the Month for January**** ││ ;: ********* SiraX ********* ;: │l If Only ALL Men Were This Good! =)... │l ┌-l--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-|-┐ /-─--─-─---─-·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░Description!░+=-─-─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\ ┌| │┐ |│ unzip and run setup ││ │l │| ││ ││ ;: :│ i│ CD KEY HGBRM-RBK3V-M9FXV-YCXDK-V38J4 │l ││ ││ │| |; l│ l│ ││ ││ ;: :│ i│ │l ││ ││ └│ ;┘ ││ ││ \-─--─-─---─-─--───-─--───--───--─-─--───---──-─-───--─-──-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ └─i--─-─--─--─--─-─-─--─-──--─---─-───--─--─--───-─--─--─--──-─---─--─-;-┘ ┌─|--─--─-─-─--───-─-─--─-──--─-──-─-─--─-─-───--─-─--─-─-──-─--─-─--─-I-┐ /──--─--─--─-─-──--─--──-─--─=+░Information!░+=--─-─--─--─-──--─--─--─-──-─\ ┌│ │┐ i│ |│ :| :: │: │| :│ ││ ││ :│ I: :; │| ││ ││ │i |│ i│ :I │: ││ │| |; |│ └│ │┘ \──-─--─--─-─---─--─--─--─-─-─--─--─-─-─-─--───--─-─--─--─-─-─--─---─--─--─/ └─:───-─--─-───--─--─--──--─--──-─--───--─--─----─--─-─-─---──--─---─--i-┘ ┌─l──--─--───--─--─-─-─---──-─--─-─-─---─-─-─--─--─--─-─-─---─--─--─-─-:─┐ /--─--─-─--─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-=+░Installation░+=--─-─-──-───--───--─-─-─--──\ ┌│ │┐ :│ I| || |: │: ││ ││ │| i│ i: |│ ││ │I │I │i :: l│ |│ :│ │l │; :│ || I| └│ Another great release from the GLoW team!!!! │┘ \──--─-─-───--─-─---─--─--───--─-─-─-─---──--─-─---──-───--─-─-─-─---─-─-─-/ └─|──-─--───-─-─--─--─-─-─---─--─-─-─---─--─--─-─-─--─--──-─---─--─-─--I─┘ -─·∙─+=─+-─-─∙--─-░░--─∙─+─=─+-─░--=-∙·-──+=-─---─-░=---·-─-─=+─--─░--=+─·-∙·░─ ┌----─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-─-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ Goddesses ░+=-──--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\ │ SuperChic :: Lady Charon │ \-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--──-─·-─∙─-─-∙·---─-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-l--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-|-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ Emperesses ░+=-──-─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\ │ Jabbers :: Angela :: WildWendy :: Nine │ \-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--──-─·-─∙─-─-∙·---─-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-|--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-;-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ Ladies in Waiting ░+=-─-─-─∙--·-─-─-──-─-─-\ ┌; Karen :: Celestial :: sanctuary │┐ └l Rockz :: TheAsYLuM :: Nelapsi |┘ \-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--──-─·-─∙─-─-∙·---─-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-│--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-l-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ security ░+=-──--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\ | WaRHouND :: Catalina AZ :: Karen :: JBHunt :: vile │ \-─--─-─---─-─·∙─-─-───·-∙-──-─·─--─-∙-──--─∙·--∙·-─-──·-──-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-;--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-│-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-───=+░ Net monkeys ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\ ┌| Skylark : Incog : Psyber : Grooby : DINO : BiRDiE : MobilMan │┐ ││ Vampyre : TooSmooth : CyberJak : Dead^Head : anarchist : [2F] l│ └ Hacir : Cheezer : MyM : Ralphael : X-Frog : UnEZ : DeepMiner : Cybrdeath |┘ ││ ScubaDude : Latitude : Temptation : CrazyLarry : Tane : LuX l│ ┌| DiZZY : Rumba : Rancid : phoxphyre : IronWolf :Homith : DaVinci │┐ \-─--─-─---─-─·∙─-─-───·-∙-──-─·─--─-∙-──--─∙·--∙·-─-──·-──-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-I--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-|-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ bbs dist. ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\ ;: UnEZ Rider :: MacDaddy :: ][ce l│ i│ HtlCalBBS :: Dark Knight :: Anjel :: Pancreas │l \-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--──-─·-─∙─-─-∙·---─-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-|--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-I-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─----·-∙-─--─=+░ AmazonWomen ░+=---─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\ │ Akasha :: No Fx Girl :: Babz :: Severina :: Kristina │ │ Anjel :: Damzel :: flwrbabe :: ShadowVLX :: Druyan │ \-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--──-─·-─∙─-─-∙·---─-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-│--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-:-┐ /-─--──----·∙──---·-∙-─--─=+░ Artists/Coders ░+=-─-─-─∙·--∙·----─-─-──-─-─-\ | Reformed :: Cindi :: tHATDUDE :: kast :: Nop :: SiraX │ \-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--──-─·-─∙─-─-∙·---─-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-|--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-;-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ bbs info. ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\ ┌;Women's World East :: 100 Nodes & Inet :: 310 :: WLD HQ :: Wild Wendy │┐ |│ CHQ :: 8 Nodes & Inet Acc :: 216 :: EUS HQ :: UnEz Rider ;│ ││ Da' Crazy House :: 5 Nodes Ringdown :: 415 :: WUS HQ :: MacDaddy │| │: DNA Project '96 :: 6 Nodes Ringdown :: +61 :: AUS HQ :: DNA I│ i│ The Unknown :: 4 Nodes Ringdown :: +44 :: EUR HQ :: ][ce ;│ |│ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ││ l│ Devil's Pulpit :: 2 Nodes Ringdown :: 9o5 :: Member :: Skater Freak │; │| Hotel California :: 8 Nodes Ringdown :: :: Member :: Elevator Man │: ;l The Cross :: 3 Nodes Ringdown :: +61 :: Member :: Anjel |│ ││ ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown :: ??? :: Member :: ????? ││ :│ ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown :: ??? :: Member :: ????? l│ └│ ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown :: ??? :: Member :: ????? │┘ \-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--──-─·-─∙─-─-∙·---─-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-;--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-:-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ shoutouts ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\ ┌| Razor 1911 :: PWA :: MasQue :: fATE :: BoNG │┐ |│ Devotion :: IRN :: Nemesis :: PTM :: CORE ;│ └l Phrozen Crew :: Core :: VB5Warez |┘ \─-─-─--─--·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ personals ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─--─-─-─-─-─-/ ┌| Orion :: TMOD :: DrmWEaver :: LeoDLioN :: Winter Hawk :: Dogma ;┐ │l MasterGuru :: Jess :: YOS :: GodTrust :: Edge :: Marlenus :: Loiosh l│ /─-─-─--─--─-─·∙─-─-───·-∙-──-─·─--─-∙-──--─∙·--∙·-─-──·-──-─----─-─-─-─-\ ┌-l--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-│-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ Couriers ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\ ┌| GLoW Curries are the Official Couriers for Gorgeous Ladies of \\'arez :┐ ││ Spreading All that We release Da 31337 Way! ││ └; Phrozen Crew are the 31337 Cracking Affil ;┘ \-─--─-─---─-─·∙─-─-───·-∙-──-─·─--─-∙-──--─∙·--∙·-─-──·-──-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-/ /└----─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-─-┘\ ┌│ GLoW (c) 1996 - Gorgeous Ladies of Warez │┐ |! "we release more than just eggs" ;│ :: updated (01/28/98) │| ││ i: │i (Special Note) l│ l│ ││ i: GLoW currently has openings for female or male suppliers & crackers! |i │: :│ |│ GLoW's Goddess's,Council,Seniors & Staff are Female ONLY! ││ ││ │i || * Ladies.. if your tired of being a "channel ornament" for a guy's │| :l group...Bring yourself and your skills to us and enjoy the fun! ;│ ││ * Hug's and Kiss's from all of us to our Hunny of the Month! ││ |│ │! │i Those not in the nfo: you know who you are and yes shouts to you too! |│ ;│ || │: Support the software companies! If you enjoy using a program or using a │: !| Util, consider buying it! Someone has to make it worth the programmer's ││ |│ effort to keep up the high standards. They made it, so they DESERVE it! :| └│ │┘ -─░∙─+=─+-─-─∙--─-░░--─∙─+─=─+-─░--=-∙·-──+=-─---─-░=---·-─-─=+─--─░--=+─·-∙·░─
New features and changes[edit | edit source]
- This build uses the solid borders used in Windows 95 by default, even on higher color displays. However, when upgrading, the gradient title bars will remain.
- The Start menu banner is now blue, rather than gray like in Windows 95, resembling the final build.
- The "Emergency Startup Disk" in setup has been renamed to drop Emergency. It is now named "Startup Disk" again, like in Windows 95.
Release information[2][edit | edit source]
Dear Windows 98 Beta Tester, To keep up with the advancements in our development, we are proud to announce the release the Interim Update Build 1681. You are not required to download and install this build--we are posting it for those of you who wish to follow the progress of Windows 98 by testing the most current builds. Please note that this is a weekly build that we are releasing for timely feedback. It has not been put through the rigorous testing of a major release, so we do not recommend you install this on your main machine or production PC. With this build, we are pleased to show a lot of progress beyond the Beta 3 and subsequent releases. The Windows 98 product team is getting progressively closer to a final release, and this and future builds will start to show improvements in performance, stability, and Windows 98's new features. We al think that you will notice a significant improvement in this build, and as usual we expect to see bug reports and online surveys for everyone who downloads this version. We look forward to hearing from you! Thanks for all of your help. Sincerely, The Windows 98 Product Team Known Issues with this Build ________________________ 1681 contains a new bitmap for the side of the start menu. There is a known issue regarding the painting of the gradient bitmap at certain color depths. We are aware of this issue and are investigating it. There is no need to file a bug report on this. **WARNING & DISCLAIMER** ------------------------ Microsoft does not recommend that you install this build. This build is provided for development and testing purposes on an as-is basis. This is an interim build we do not consider beta release quality. At Microsoft, we have daily Windows 98 builds. Occasionally we make these interim builds available to development partners and beta testers for development purposes, as well as for limited beta testing. Although the Windows 98 team uses these daily builds on our production computers and believe that this build's quality is adequate , we recommend that you only install this build on a test machine - and you do so at your own risk. You should note before installing this build that the daily builds are not stabilized nor rigorously tested prior to release. You may find key features are not functional in this build. Please read the known issues in this announcement before installing. We also document significant issues we are aware of in the release notes and on our Known Issues Web page. The Tour Directory is now included as Please note that this is a large zip file that is not required to be able to run Windows 98. If you choose not to download it, the Tour feature will not work on your system. The Channels Directory is included and is also optional as it is rather large. Extras contains FAX for anyone who had FAX in Windows 95 and on an upgrade FAX was no longer working. This is NOT intended for those who did not have FAX previously. It is posted as a courtesy and is not supported nor will it be supported in the final product.