Windows 98 build 1564

Build of Windows 98
OS familyWindows 9x
Version number4.10
Build number1564
Compiled on1997-08

Windows 98 build 1564 is an unconfirmed build of Windows 98. There is very little information known about this build, other than that it was apparently scene shared by the warez group Legendary on 1 August 1997, and was also mentioned in the Death Volume 25 warez CD and Fate 352 warez CD lists.

Due to the date that it was leaked (build 1559, the latest preceding build confirmed to exist, was compiled on 4 August 1997), it is likely a mislabel of build 1546. It could also be the case, that the exact pre-day was unknown (Legendary pred the build sometime in August 1997), and a placeholder day was inserted (predbs tend to use a common RDBMS with datetime type, like MySQL, and it is assumed that the release date is known in full, leaving edge cases like this unhandled).

The list of a Traditional Chinese warez CD labeled "超級大補帖 100" contains the zh-TW version of this build ("CWIN98 <DIR> Microsoft Windows 98 中文版 BUILD 1564").[1]

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