Windows 98 build 1544

Build of Windows 98
OS familyWindows 9x
Version number4.10
Build number1544
Compiled on1997-07-15
Expiration date
Timebomb1998-01-31 (+200 days)
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows 98 build 1544 is a Beta 2 build of Windows 98, which was originally leaked by SWAT on 17 July 1997 and later shared on 6 June 2011.

NFO file[edit | edit source]

The following NFO file was included as part of the SWAT release.[1]

NFO contents

      oO$$$$$Oo       _,oO   Oo,_              oo         _oO$$$$$$$$$Oo_
     '$$$$$$$$$'  _,oO$$$$   $$$$Oo,_      _,oO--Oo,_     $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
     |$$$$$\$$$| $$$$$$$$$   $$$$$$$$$ _,oO$$$$  $$$$Oo,_  $$$  $$$$ $$$ 
      '$$$$$\$$' '$$$$$$$$   $$$$$$$$' $$$$$$$$  $$$$$$$$   $   $$$$  $  
       '$$$$$\'   '$$$$$$$   $$$$$$$'  `$$$$$$$aa$$$$$$$'       $$$$     
      oO\$$$$$\    '$$$$$$   $$$$$$'    `$$$$$$  $$$$$$'        $$$$     
     |$$$\$$$$$'    '$$$$$/^\$$$$$'      `$$$$$  $$$$$'         $$$$     
     '$$$$\$$$$$|    '$$$$O$O$$$$'        `$$$$  $$$$'          $$$$     
      '$$$$$$$$$'     '$$$$$$$$$'          `$$$  $$$'          '$$$$'    
        o$$$$$$O       $$$$$$$$$             $$  $$            $$$$$$    
         Oo$$Oo         $$$$$$$               $  $            $$$$$$$$   

         .,ss$$Sss,.   .,s²²ss ·-[S.\\'./\.T.]-· ss²²s,.   .,ssS$$ss,.
        y$'       `";s²"'                             `"²s;"'       `$y
        $$  ┌═════─══[MEMPHIS BUILD 1544 (INTERNAL RELEASE)]═─════┐  ²$b
        $$  │┌════════─══─────═──═══──┐ ┌─═════─═─────═───═════──┐│  ,$$
        ²$b ├╡ CrACKeR: N/A           ╞─╡ ReLeaSe DaTe: 07/17/97 ╞┤  S$'
        ,$$ │└─═────════════─═────═───┘ └──═════─═─═──────═════─═┘│  $$
        $$' │┌──════──═───═══──══──═──┐ ┌───═══════─═─────══───═─┐│  $$
       d$'  ├╡ PaCkaGeR: BiG_PeRM     ╞─╡ NuMBaH 0f DiSKS: 14    ╞┤  $$
       $$,  │└────════─═────════──═───┘ └─════════─═───═══════─═─┘│  $$
       `$i  │┌═════──═────═──────═══──┐ ┌─════─═─────═════════──═┐│  $$
       ,$P  ├╡ SuPPliER: MeKuN        ╞─╡ RaTiN': [ you decide ] ╞┤  ²$$b,
       $$   │└───═════════─═──────═══─┘ └───═══════─═─═───══─════┘│  s,'²$$
       $$   │┌═───══──═─═══════─[rELEAZE n0TEZ]─═───═══════─═──══┐│  $$   $
       $$   ││ Another memphis out there :) I hope it's better   ││  $$   $
    ,$ $$   ├╡ than the 1538. Get it and have fun :)             ╞┤  $$   i
  ,s²" $$   ││ Don't forget that this is an Internal Release.    ││  $$   :
 d$bs, $P   ││                                                   ││  $$   .
  `""²$$'   ││                                                   ││  $$b
       ,s   ││                                                   ││  `Y$b
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       $$   ├╡                                                   ╞┤  ,d$P
       $l   ││                                                   ││  $$'
      ;$;   │└─═─═════════─═────════─═════─═───═[eon:end^of^note]┘│  $$
      $$    │┌═─═─────════─═─══─[iNSTALLATi0N]─══════──═─══─═──══┐│  $$
     ,$$    ││ Just unzip, then unrar and run setup.exe.         ││ d$'
     $$$Ss, ├╡                                                   ╞┤ $$,
     `Y$$$$ ││                                                   ││ `$$,   ,y²'
        `ⁿ' ││                                                   ││  `$$,.d$
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       ;    │┌═─══─════════───═─[gREETZ&pHUKZ]══───────═─════──══┐│  $$
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       ¡    │││   WooDSoN · CP · GaNDaLf · VaRthlKr · FKrueger  │││ ;
       $    │││   IneBriAtE · ZeUS · SNeeZee · DeVaN · eZeKiLL  │││ l,
       $;   │││      BaSS · iCu812 · ReD_DRa · FraCtAL GuRu     │││ $$$s
      $Sl,  ││╞[gROUP]─═─════════─═──════════──═─═───══════════─╡││ $$$$b.
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    ;$$$$$s.│││                                                 │││ l$$$$,
    $$$$$$ⁿ'├╪┤ Did i Miss aNyone ??? Well w8 for the next time.├╪┤ ;$$$$$b.
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    .$$'    `l ggg   ,$$°$$$   $$$ⁿ$$    $$g$$$ss $$$'$$$ss $$$' $$b.,d$$$b,
    d$'      ; $$$sss$$$s$$$sss$$$s$$ssss$$$$$$       $$$     .,d$$$$$S²'`$$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                            swat^PREZ                               $$
    $$                              Ice-T                                 $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                          swat^ViCe-PreZ                            $$
    $$                             NailBomB                               $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                           swat^SeNiOrS                             $$
    $$   TSlayeR xXx ICe-T xXx ZaRaGoZ xXx SoSaY xXx KosMiK xXx [OdiN]    $$
    $$            HiGhLaNdeR xXx NailBomB xXx SiREqU xXx WsS               $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$ ::::;:;;%;%%%%%#%######[bbs^warez^divizi0n]######%#%%%%%;%;;:;:::: $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                            bbs^sysops                              $$
    $$                         xXx ThDraGoN xXx                           $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                           bbs^c0urierz                             $$
    $$                          xXx RoCKMaN xXx                           $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$ ::::;:;;%;%%%%%#%######[inet^warez^divizi0n]#####%#%%%%%;%;;:;:::: $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                        internet^c00rdinat0rz                       $$
    $$              SoSaY xXx NailBomB xXx IcE-T xXx ZaRaGoZ              $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                          internet^c0urierz                         $$
    $$    D|aBLo xXx WsS xXx AssWeaViO xXx ^DoT xXx ^SneeZe xXx TRuBS     $$
    $$         |ViRGiN| xXx MaXiMiZeR xXx KiNG4EveR xXx MarKGoH           $$
    $$    GroSS xXx TwOFaCe xXx _lol_ xXx ZoBRa xXx `KaiN` xXx KrYGoDs    $$
    $$      xXx xx2 xXx ^MoRBiouS xXx Kp1 xXx RiX xXx BlckKiGhT xXx       $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                          internet^site^0pz                         $$
    $$         eYeS22 xXx VeRTiG0 xXx VeCtoR xXx HeReSy xXx SiREqU        $$
    $$         xXx KillJoCks xXx AzAzEl xXx MaLiBu xXx SMaRtY xXx         $$
    $$                             B|aCkSTaR                              $$
    $$ ::::;:;;%;%%%%%#%########[mizk^divizi0n]#########%#%%%%%;%;;:;:::: $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                             CraCKeRS                               $$
    $$                           xXx GoA xXx                              $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                             SuPPlieRs                              $$
    $$                 xXx KeRM xXx eCl|pSe xXx S0BeRMaN xXx              $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                            LiNuX HeaD                              $$
    $$                         xXx GriNdeR xXx                            $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                            pc^c0ding                               $$
    $$                        xXx HiGhLaNdeR xXx                          $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                            BoT^MasTeR                              $$
    $$              xXx MARkGoH xXx BiGPeRM xXx HiGhLaNdeR xXx            $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                        ancee$atsciim^artistz                       $$
    $$                       HiGhLaNdeR xXx BeaNDiP                       $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$                             FouNdErS                               $$
    $$   HiGhLaNdeR xXx FraCtaLG xXx UndeRtaKeR xXx PoLeX xXx TaZMaiNiA   $$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$ ┌─════─═─════════─════───══════─═──═─═══════─═─══════════─═══─═─═┐ $$
    $$ │         · ···∙·∙∙∙SWAT·······bBS·hEADKUARTERZ∙∙∙·∙··· ·        │ $$
    $$ ├═════════════─═──═════─═──════════─═─═══─═══════──═──═══════════┤ $$
    $$ │ name             sysg0d     ph0nenumbah       n0dez     statuz │ $$
    $$ ├──═─══════════──═────══════───══───═══════════───════──═──═════─┤ $$
    $$ │ ThDraGoN         ThDraGoN   xxxxxxxxxxxxxx     xxx         EHQ │ $$
    $$ └═════════─═─═──═══────────═════════──════───══─═──═─════════──═─┘ $$
    $$ ┌─════─═─════════─════───══════─═──═─═══════─═─══════════─═══─═─═┐ $$
    $$ │         · ···∙·∙∙∙SWAT·······fTP·hEADKUARTERZ∙∙∙·∙··· ·        │ $$
    $$ ├═════════════─═──═════─═──════════─═─═══─═══════──═──═══════════┤ $$
    $$ │ name             sysg0d    address   max. us   c0untry   speed │ $$
    $$ ├──═─══════════──═────══════───══───═══════════───════──═──═════─┤ $$
    $$ │ Txx Fxxxx        eYeS22    xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx      T1 │ $$
    $$ │ Hxxxxxx          HeReSy    down v.        xx   xxxxxxx      T3 │ $$
    $$ │ Hxxxxx Gxxx      V & V     xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx DuALOc9 │ $$
    $$ │ Wxxxxxxxxxx      SiREqU    down v.        xx   xxxxxxx      T3 │ $$
    $$ │ Txx Bxxxx Fxxxx  SmaRtY    xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx   CaBle │ $$
    $$ │ Txx Cxxx Bxxxx   AzAzEl    xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx   CaBle │ $$
    $$ │ xxxxxxxxx        KillJoCkS down v.        xx   xxxxxxx      T1 │ $$
    $$ │ xxxxxxxxx        BLACKSTAR xxxxxxx        xx   xxxxxxx   CaBle │ $$

                  $$$aⁿ^²$Ss,sS²^°ⁿ$$$$$$       ggg$$$"""°ⁿS
     ,ssssssssss$ $$$    $$$$$$    $$$$$$  $$$  $$°$$$ssssggg $sssssssssss,
    d$$²²²²²²²²²$ $$$   ,$$$$$$ssssSⁿ'$$$  $$$  $$sggg   ,$$$ $²²²²²²²²²²$$b
    $$'           $$$   $$$'$$$sssss  $$$ss$$$ss$$$$$$sss$$$$            `$$
    $$                                                                    $$
    $$ ∞ SWAT web page at:                          $$
    $$ ∞ Get on #swat97 at effnet and apply us if u got enough skills.    $$
    $$ ∞ If you work or deal with software contact us.                    $$
    $$,                                                                  ,$$
     AsCii By DaRkGoD and HiGhLaNdeR                     Nf0 by HiGhLaNdeR

                         LasT UPDaTeD In 07\17\97

Changes[edit | edit source]

  • The "Memphis Setup" bitmap on the top of setup has been renamed to "Windows 98 Setup".
  • Renamed "Memphis" in About Program dialogs to "Windows 98".
  • Microsoft NetMeeting 2.0 has been removed.
  • NetShow 2.0 is now included.
  • A near-final version of FrontPage Express 2.0 is now included.
  • The "Users" Control Panel applet received a new icon.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]