Windows 3.1 build 048

Not to be confused with Windows 3.0 build 48.
Build of Windows 3.1
OS family16-bit Windows
Version number3.1
Build number048
Architecturex86 16-bit
Compiled on1991

Windows 3.1 build 048 is an unleaked debug build of Windows 3.1. The build number is referenced in the Knowledge Base titled An Annotated Dr. Watson Log File.

System Info (info) Windows version 3.10 Debug build         # The debugging version of Windows was running. 
Windows Build 3.1.048         # This is an internal Microsoft build of Windows, #48. 
Username Unknown User         # Your name here 
Organization Unknown Organization         # Your organization here 
System Free Space 7131008 Stack base 1122, top 9164, lowest 7504, size 8042         # Stack size of current task