Windows 3.1 build 014

Not to be confused with Windows 3.0 build 14.
Build of Windows 3.1
OS family16-bit Windows
Version number3.1
Build number014
Architecturex86 16-bit

Windows 3.1 build 014 is the earliest confirmed build of Windows 3.1. Its performance is compared to PC/GEOS in an internal Microsoft e-mail from January 1991.[1]

Both operating systems were tested on the following machines:

  • Compaq (likely Deskpro) 386/20, with Intel 80386 running at 20 MHz and 4 MB of RAM
  • IBM PS/2 Model 55SX, with Intel 80386SX running at 16 MHz and 2 MB of RAM
  • IBM PC/AT, with Intel 80286 running at 8 MHz and 1 MB of RAM

The printer used on both OSes was HP LaserJet II-512K. Various tests were performed, including system and application startup time, printing time, etc. Overall, PC/GEOS performed better in most tests, except system boot time, printing time and some specific applications' load times.

In response to the results, it was decided to rewrite Windows applications to load all necessary resources at load time and only load the printer driver once printing is requested. The e-mail also suggests this build either has broken TrueType font support or none at all. There is also a blocking bug in this build that prevented running tests on the IBM PS/2 Model 55SX test machine in 386 Enhanced mode.

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