Windows 2000 build 1906

Build of Windows 2000
OS familyWindows NT
Version number5.0
Build number1906
Build revision1
Compiled on1998-10-07
Expiration date
Timebomb+240 days after original install date
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows 2000 build 1906 is a Beta 3 build of Windows 2000.

New features and changes[edit | edit source]

Kernel[edit | edit source]

  • The AUTOCHK screen has been updated which resembles the RTM, but with white background and solid-blue text. Notably, it has "Windows NT 5.0 Beta 3" branding.
  • This build no longer shows the ... on the top-left corner of the boot screen after the progress bar reaches to full.
  • The system crash screen has been changed to have the text colored white, as seen in the RTM.
  • Added the An attempt was made to write to read-only memory. (0xBE) bugcheck code, which would later be renamed to ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY.

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

Outlook Express has been removed from Quick Launch.

Bugs[edit | edit source]

Installation[edit | edit source]

  • On some machines and virtualizers, the system will refuse to format the drive as it identifies an error that the disk may be damaged. This can be fixed by partitioning and formatting a drive via fdisk.exe by using a DOS/Windows 9x boot disk.
  • When upgrading from build 1743, the installer may ask to convert the drive to the NTFS file system, even if the drive is already NTFS.
  • The file structure of the installation disc is different than in other builds. Autorun is able to launch WINNT32.EXE but it fails to load due to WINNT32A.DLL and WINNT32U.DLL being missing. Both files are stored instead in a separate folder called Winnt32 on the root of the disc, where also another WINNT32.EXE is present. It will load, however it cannot find the EULA. To make an installation from within Windows possible (assuming D: is the drive where the installation disc is inserted), setup needs to be brought to copy the files from the i386 folder. To do this, launch:
Winnt32.exe /s:D:\I386

Gallery[edit | edit source]