Windows 2000 build 1877

(Redirected from Windows 2000 Beta 2)
Build of Windows 2000
Release nameBeta 2
OS familyWindows NT
Version number5.0
Build number1877
Build revision1
ArchitectureDEC Alpha, x86 (PC/AT, PC-98)
Compiled on1998-08-13
Expiration date
Timebomb+240 days after original install date
About dialog
TCB.png TCBGallery.png

Windows 2000 build 1877 is the official Beta 2 build of Windows 2000, released on 18 August 1998[1]. It is available in English, German, and Japanese. A Korean version was shown in a magazine but is yet to be found.

NFO file[edit | edit source]

NFO contents

	      ▄█▄                          ▄▀▒▓▌
	     ▐██▄▀▀▄              ▄      ▄▀ ░▒▓
	     ██████▄▀▄          ▄▀▓▌   ▄▀   ░▓▌ ▄▄
	    ▐███████▌▐▌       ▄▀ ▒▓    ▐▌  ░▒▓ ▐▌▐██▄▄        .
	   ▄█████████▌█     ▄▀  ░▓▌     █ ░▒▓▌ █ █████▀▀▄▄   ■
	    ▀▀█████████▌  ▄▀   ░▒▓      ▐▌░▒▓  ▐▌▐██▀  ▄  ▀▄▀
	       ▀████████   █  ░▒▓▌      █░▒▓▌   ▀▄██▌   ▀▄
	  ▌     ▐██████▌   ▐▌░▒▓▀  ▄▀  ▐░▒▓▀    ▄ ▀█▀     █▄
	  ▐▌ ▐   ██████    █░▒▒▀ ▄▀ ▀ ▄▀▄▀     ▐▓░▄   ▄▄  ▐▀▄
 ────────── ▓▄▀▌ ▐█████▌───▐░▒▒ ▄▀   ▄█▀▀ ───── ▓▒░▐▌ ▀   ─ █▓█ ───-───-─· ·
	   ▐▓ ▀▄█████▀    █▄▀     ▄▀    ▀▄    ▐▓▒  █      ▐▌▒▓▌
	    ▄▓▓████▀     ▐▀      ■            ▓▒░  ▐▌    ▄▀ ░▒▓
	  ▄▓▓██▀▀ ▄▄    ▄▀      .            ▐▓▒░   ▀▄    ▀▄ ░▓▌
	 ▐▓▓▀ ▄▓    ▀▀▄▄▄                    ▓▒░     ▄▀     ▀▄▒▓
	 ▓▒▌  ▐▓▒        ▀▀▀▄               ▐▓▒░░  ▄▀         ▀
	 ▐▓▄   █▓▒       ░▄▀                ▀▓▓▒▒░▀
	  ▀▓▀  ▐▓▒░    ░▄▀                    ▀▓▀     ..R.Noble 
		█▓▒▒▒▀     ... Pirates With Attitudes
	      ▄▓▓▀           Proudly Presents ...
║ [Microsoft Windows NT Workstation 5.0 Build 1877 BETA 2]  August 19, 1998 ║
║ Supplier .....: PWA                  │ Type .....:                        ║
║ Cracker ......:                      │ Video ....:                        ║
║ Packager .....: Murmillius           │ Audio ....:                        ║
║ Protection ...:                      │ # Disks ..: 32 x 10meg             ║

Release Notes:

About damned time is all I have to say!  If you cant figure out how to 
install this, you shouldn't be attempting it :).


  *	Interface unknown issue. When L2TP is configured to secure the
  password and the data, IPSEC must be enabled. If not, the user will get a
  popup "Unknown interface". Hopefully, in the beta 3, there will be a
  better integration of IPSEC and L2TP.   The following is the related note
  from the PM.

  *	When the VPN connection is activated (makes the call), then the RAS
  Manager makes local RPC calls to the IPSec Policy Agent Service to use the
  L2TP rules or L2TP Only Policy.  Only the L2TP base rule is actually used.
  Extended exists because of an older design but it was too destabilizing to
  remove for beta2.  When the user selects "Secure my password and my data"
  for a VPN connection, then L2TP is configured to use IPSec to secure the
  tunnel.L2TP Base rule is used by RAS Manager when an IPSec policy is
  active to protect the L2TP tunnel setup and transport.  The filter is
  dynamically created by RASMAN based on the clients current IP address (ISP
  assigned typically) and the L2TP tunnel server's address as destination.
  The filter covers UDP source and dest port 1701 which is the L2TP tunnel
  traffic between NT5.0 boxes.  It is possible that other L2TP
  implementation change ports or even addresses during a tunnel connection,
  so interop isn't guaranteed yet. The authentication method for IPSec is
  different than L2TP - IPSec will do machine-to-machine certificate based
  authentication, where L2TP will do user based authentication.  IPSec
  negotiations a transport security association first, then L2TP negotiates
  the user authentication and rest of the PPP parameters, such as internal
  address.  In the future, you will not see an explicit rule for L2TP,
  rather RASMAN will use an API to set it's own rule and/or policy.  In the
  event that RASMAN is trying to secure an L2TP tunnel with IPSec and there
  is no pre-existing IPSec policy active, then RASMAN activates the "L2TP
  Only" IPSec policy.

  *	NT5 Routing & RAS
  When NT5 connects to another machine as a VPN client, and the connection
  is disconnected from the server-side, NT5 does not refresh the system tray
  or network connections to let you know the connection has dropped.  It
  also does not "beep" at you like NT4 does.  
  *	Fax: No uninstall feature available for Fax ServiceCustomer
  requesting ability to remove Fax.  
  *	Print Administration needs an MMC Snap-in
  *	Office 9 Setup fails and Office 97 can't be restored
   Setup fails on file VBE6.DLL
  *	AppleShare 8.0 released from Apple without all the bugs NT 5.0 needs
  fixed in order to have the new protocol connectivity  routines such as
  ATCP, and PPP to work 100%.  Apple is aware of this.

  *	IPX- Bug in client services to be addressed post-beta2. 

  Directory Services:

  *	Trust Relationships not replicated to downlevel DCs
  One way trusts are only reliably working if the 5.0 machine is up on the
  net (used for pass-through).  Trusts fail if the 4.0 BDC is used for
  pass-through.  Although replication to the 4.0 BDC seems OK, indicated by
  5717 events (full sync with nltest) the NT4 machine has a small subset of
  the trusts that the NT5 machine has.  

  *	Re-application of security policy is not immediate.  
   Refresh can be done manually, but need to investigate immediate change.
  *	Windows Scripting Host scripts do not run if specified in the user
  specific logon script path
  The behavior is that of NTv4 and if a VBScript extension is specified, the
  logon script is not run, even though WSH is present.
  *	User Profiles structure changes are getting incorporated into builds
  - this may break applications that are hardcoded to use \winnt\.
  The new location will be (from the root) \Documents & Settings

  *	NT 5.0 doesn't allow bulk edit of user properties from the UI. Under
  NT 3.1, 3.5, 3.51 and 4.0, User Manager for Domains allowed admins to
  multi-select user accounts
  *	Cannot setup NT5 from DOS
  Cannot run winnt /b from dos to setup the system. Dosnet.inf has become
  too large to fit into memory.  Intermittent problem, being addressed.
  *	Need to show the boot menu when only 1 entry is present.
  When only one boot.ini entry is present, we set the timeout to 0 and the
  boot.ini is not displayed.  This does not give the user time to select
  safe-mode boot unless they hold down the arrow key.
  *	Need to Add an Animation to the Initializing Dialog Box.
  At several points during setup, there are pauses where there is no obvious
  indication that anything is taking place on the system. 
  *	ScanFat: PreScan Aborted - Fatal Error - File C:\HIBERFIL.SYS
  Fatal errors when running defrag.  Tracking this as a support concern
  since we have three reports on it for build 1859
  *	Unable to add local user permissions to a NT file share after
  disjoining a domain
  From the GUI you cannot change the security permissions on files and
  folders, unless you are a member of a Domain and the change involves a
  Domain Member.  This includes modifying NTFS permissions on the local
  drive and modifying permissions  of created shares.
  *	Install converts all NTFS4 partitions to NTFS5 without user
  User should get warning that NTFS drives are going to be converted to NTFS
  v5 after installation.  
  *	Com port detection/install problems 
  Customers having problems with COM port detection and resource allocation.
  *	Adaptec CD Creator CDR software returns error CREATR32 caused an
  invalid page fault in module SHLWAPI.DLL at 015f:00613079
  All CD-read/writable drive issues are being duped against this bug.  All
  CDROM burners require third party software from the manufacturer to record
  CD's.  Due to NT's File system interface changes, this software requires
  to be upgraded. 
  *	RDPT1:  PCMCIA CD-ROMs cannot be used to upgrade from a CD
  When using a PCMCIA CDROM for the install, setup does not see the CDROM
  during the complete setup.
  Stability - over 90% on workstation stress, 100% on server stress - if you
  are going to install NT 5 to look at it, this is the build!
There are a total of 0 showstopper bugs for beta 2.
This is Beta 2 which will be sent to 20,000 technical beta sites

  			            -/ This is PWA \-
                                    < 15 August 1998 >

┌──────────────────┬─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Council .........│ Code3, Dark Lord, Dream Weaver, Murmillius, Rambone,
│                  │ Shiffie
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Senior Members ..│ Akasha, Gumby, Mercy, Oyl Patch, The Technic 
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Members .........│ Acidman, Aironz, Animal, BadBrad, Charlie, Chowdery,
│                  │ Codebreaker, Corv8, DaPhantm, Denon, Disc Killer, 
│                  │ Disk Killer, DJpaul, DVST8, El Cid, EzD, Frost, 
│                  │ Gogolie, Guip, IceB, Ivan, Kewe, Lost Soul, Magellan, 
│                  │ Marduk, MindFink, Mindreader, Nagumo, neTyx, Ofd,  
│                  │ Patriarch, Prozac, Ryu, Shadowman, Skylark, Slonny,  
│                  │ Single Minded, SpyNut, Stoned, Sugar, The Jerk, 
│                  │ Virtual Power, Voltan, Warlock
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Senior Couriers .│ Bass, Diamond Dog, Gizmo, Mario Lemieux, Psyber, Skitch
├──────────────────┼─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
│ Couriers ........│ Cabdriver, Darkforce, hiToP, Jono, Mavian, 
│                  │ Moonsabre, Satan, Scuzi, Snap, Trix, X-Frog
└──────────────────┴─────────────────--- -   -  · · ··   ·
			      PWA Boards/Sites

│ FTP Site Names       │ Status ···················· │ SiteOP ············· │
│ Sentinel ··········  │ Inet World HQ ············· │ Xxxxxxx ············ │
│ Boners Domain ·····  │ Inet U.S. HQ ·············· │ Xxxxxxx ············ │
│ Ataraxia ··········  │ Inet Euro HQ ·············· │ Xxxxxxx ············ │
│ Nemesis ···········  │ Inet World Courier HQ ····· │ Xxxxxxx ············ │
│ Althea ············  │ Inet US Courier HQ ········ │ Xxxxxxx ············ │
│ Major Malfunction ·  │ Inet EURO Courier HQ ······ │ Xxxxxxx ············ │
│ Snowland ··········  │ Inet Release World HQ ····· │ Xxxxxxx ············ │
│ The Rock ··········  │ Inet Release US HQ ········ │ Xxxxxxx ············ │
│ Magnetic Fields ···  │ Inet Release Euro HQ ······ │ Xxxxxxx ············ │
│ Evil Echo ·········  │ Inet Member HQ ············ │ Xxxxxxx ············ │ 
	     If you are going to do it ... Do it with an ATTITUDE!

                PWA..... a juggernaut that rolls on thru 1998

  *  Please note that PWA is NOT accepting pay sites of any nature.. We're *
  *  in this for fun and entertainment, not to try to make ourselves rich. *

  *  PWA also does not accept new BBS', FTP sites, net couriers, graphics  *
  *  artists or programmers (including PPE's... PCB, may it rest in peace) *

┌───────────────────────────────┤ Final Note ├─────────────────────────────┐
│ Support the software companies! If you enjoy using a program or using a  │
│ Util, consider buying it! Someone has to make it worth the programmer's  │
│ effort to keep up the high standards.. They made it, so they DESERVE it! │

Changes[edit | edit source]

  • The Command Prompt will no longer launch minimized during the graphical stage of setup. This change would be later reverted in the next build.
  • This build does not include the Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator, which however is included in both the previous and the next build.

Findings[edit | edit source]

The boot screen of the German localization notably features a different boot screen for the Workstation SKU, with the rectangles with the Windows flag being colored gray instead of blue. Also, the animated banner is colored dark blue-gray instead of dark-sky blue. This is perhaps due to a lower color depth.

Bugs and quirks[edit | edit source]

German localization[edit | edit source]

  • When booting off from the CD, the whole text-based setup is in English. This does not affect setup started with WINNT.EXE or WINNT32.EXE respectively, but the license agreement will remain being in English.
  • The "Welcome to Windows NT" application is not fully translated and uses Server branding for the banner in the Workstation SKU.

IA-64/AXP64 references[edit | edit source]

The SDK for this build has a readme and batch file claiming that it includes "Preliminary Platform SDK support for Win64" with "pre-beta releases of an IA64 compiler and an AXP64 compiler and linker"; the batch file however expects them to be in a bin\Win64 directory which is not included.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

English language variant[edit | edit source]

Setup[edit | edit source]

Interface[edit | edit source]

Debug compile[edit | edit source]

German language variant[edit | edit source]

Upgrade from Windows NT 4.0[edit | edit source]

Interface[edit | edit source]

Japanese language variant[edit | edit source]

Korean language variant (unleaked)[edit | edit source]

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]