Microsoft Plus! 98 build 1998
Build of Microsoft Plus! 98 | |
![]() Autorun background | |
Compatible with | Windows 98 |
Microsoft Plus! 98 build 1998 is the official RTM build of Microsoft Plus! 98, which was released on 25 June 1998.
NFO files[edit | edit source]
The following NFO files were included as part of the GLoW and TFT releases.
.ggg ggg __ _ .a!$$$$$²$$" .&²''4P'²ba. .&$$²"²$$$ $l ggg. .ggg .a',gg,.g%.`^²4.4!b. ;$$P` `P² ²', ;$$$l l$$$; ;$ ;$$$$$!&$&a. 'a;I$$!%a,. ;'²²' G a& &P^ .&$!²` `²$$&. l; iP²'4$$P'²4a: ib.`'4$$$$ b,,a b,,a,,d L ggg `²P W `4$$; : ,d,.,d$&b,.,d. :l; `²; l$$$l ²²$$$²$$$ ;$$$ %a. ,&&.` $$$; . l$$$$&P²4$$$$l :;' ,l `4$$b,,a$$$ l$$b,,d$$$ '4$$&.$$$$ ..ggg '~^` ,·`4!&P4alP4&$P'.d .a!$$ !P^"'²4$$$.;.P"'²4$$$ `4$$;$$$a ²²$$$ ;%d!l;$lb.`l&a,,a&$`; :'∙.d$$$$$P ;$l . "4`²'!%a. "4 l$$l`4$$b,,dP²4b,,d$$P' l$$$'; `^²²^`,d$ba'!$$$$$$' l$$ $l ø lP²' ; O `²4! P"4P'²"²ad$$P"²4 `$$';$$$&aa&$$$$P',$$$$P' ;$$l .db,,d$b,,a .d!bl'd²`4$. a$P` .' ;d; l&P',&$$$$P' .l$$P'. `4$b,,d$$$$P'`²4$$b,.,d$$P'ba; d$; l$; a' ,aP' ;iP'²²"~^` .d!P'`:;l `'4P²"²P²` "P`~4!$P;a,,d$b,,dP²4²4l l; .d' ,lP' .P²`.al. aI `! ; $ "l²4P²'4²4 ;$; l l$· . Ii ;$l ;$Si;$$' ' lb,,d, ;l; ,d. `²²$a$ l ∙ ;;. `4ba,,dba,,..,,adSiIP$' `"²"` ;$$P"^²'` l$ l$· ø a$l ^"²²4!P²4!¬¬!P²';Si' d$²4 ;$ $$l l$$ ,d!ba,..,ad!P' ²4P² l `²" `!² ;$²$$$$$baad! ; l$a$$$$$$$$!; $ d²'"^`'~"'^``' l$b ; ,g!$$$$$!&. ^²" .d ,S$$$$$$$$$l ░=+--∙·-+=─-░░--─-─=──∙·+=──-░-─+-─·─∙─░─+-─·-∙ .dP;b,,di$$$$$$$$$$; -░-∙=·-░=+ Info File Created By Black Knight For Glow ;$$$$$;l&$$$$$$$$$P' Glow(c) 96' -─·∙─+=─+-─-─∙--─-─░--─∙─+─=─+-─░--=-∙·-──+=- i$$$$$$;$$$$$$$$&P' -░--=+─·-∙·░─ ;$$$$$$;l$$$$$$$$$; /-─--─-─---─--───----─-─--──---─-──-─---── `^"²²²"'`^~"²²"~` ---─-─-──-─-─-\ | | >--─-───--─-─-─-──--─-──-─-──-─-──--─┬-─-─-─-──--───--─-──-─-──---──-──---─< ┌│ Manufacturer: M$ | Ware Type : !┐ │| Supplied By : Ange │ Protection : SERIAL │| il Packaged By : Team Glow ; Rating 1/10 : !!!!!!!!!! |; l│ Cracked By : │ Release Date : 05/27/98 :│ └; OS Type : 95/nt l Size : 71 x 1.4 │┘ \-─--─-─-──---─-───--─-───-─-───--─-─+--─-──-─--─-─-──--─-─-─-──---─-─-─--─/ ││ **** GLoW's Man of the Month for May**** ││ ;: ********* SpaceBass ********* ;: │l If Only ALL Men Were This Good! =)... │l ┌-l--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-|-┐ /-─--─-─---─-·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░Description!░+=-─-─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\ ┌| │┐ |│ RELEASE INFORMATION PLUS 98 BUILD 1998.2 ││ │l Microsoft's attempt to get yet even more money from you. │| ││ ││ ;: Full of themes, McAfee Anti Virus with six free updates. :│ i│ │l ││ I ripped out over 157 megs of the games. ││ │| |; l│ l│ ││ I also want to say hello to Vetesgirl, she knows all she does! :) ││ ;: :│ i│ │l ││ ││ └│ ;┘ ││ ││ \-─--─-─---─-─--───-─--───--───--─-─--───---──-─-───--─-──-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ └─i--─-─--─--─--─-─-─--─-──--─---─-───--─--─--───-─--─--─--──-─---─--─-;-┘ ┌─|--─--─-─-─--───-─-─--─-──--─-──-─-─--─-─-───--─-─--─-─-──-─--─-─--─-I-┐ /──--─--─--─-─-──--─--──-─--─=+░Information!░+=--─-─--─--─-──--─--─--─-──-─\ ┌│ │┐ i│ |│ :| :: │: │| :│ ││ ││ :│ I: Once agai9n leave it to Team Glow to deliver the REAL deal and not :; │| any of these phony builds that have been floating around of late. ││ ││ │i |│ It's very unfortunate that groups attempt to perpetrate these types i│ :I of frauds. │: ││ │| |; |│ └│ │┘ \──-─--─--─-─---─--─--─--─-─-─--─--─-─-─-─--───--─-─--─--─-─-─--─---─--─--─/ └─:───-─--─-───--─--─--──--─--──-─--───--─--─----─--─-─-─---──--─---─--i-┘ ┌─l──--─--───--─--─-─-─---──-─--─-─-─---─-─-─--─--─--─-─-─---─--─--─-─-:─┐ /--─--─-─--─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-─-=+░Installation░+=--─-─-──-───--───--─-─-─--──\ ┌│ │┐ :│If you have any previous versions of our Plus 98 releases, make sure that | || you UNINSTALL it before installing this. |: │: ││ ││ Unzip, run ARJ and then SETUP.EXE │| i│ i: |│ Serial number/CD Key is 111-1111111 ││ │I │I │i :: l│ |│ :│ │l │; :│ || I| └│ Another great release from the GLOW team!!!! │┘ \──--─-─-───--─-─---─--─--───--─-─-─-─---──--─-─---──-───--─-─-─-─---─-─-─-/ └─|──-─--───-─-─--─--─-─-─---─--─-─-─---─--─--─-─-─--─--──-─---─--─-─--I─┘ -─·∙─+=─+-─-─∙--─-░░--─∙─+─=─+-─░--=-∙·-──+=-─---─-░=---·-─-─=+─--─░--=+─·-∙·░─ ┌----─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-─-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ Goddesses ░+=-──--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\ │ SuperChic :: Lady Charon │ \-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--──-─·-─∙─-─-∙·---─-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-l--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-|-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ Emperesses ░+=-──-─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\ │ Jabbers :: Angela :: WildWendy :: Nine :: Celestial :: Sanctuary │ \-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--──-─·-─∙─-─-∙·---─-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-|--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-;-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ Ladies in Waiting ░+=-─-─-─∙--·-─-─-──-─-─-\ ┌; MzBxtch │┐ └l Karen :: Rockz :: TheAsYLuM :: Nelapsi |┘ \-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--──-─·-─∙─-─-∙·---─-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-│--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-l-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-──-─=+░ security ░+=-──--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\ | WaRHouND :: Catalina AZ :: Karen :: JBHunt │ \-─--─-─---─-─·∙─-─-───·-∙-──-─·─--─-∙-──--─∙·--∙·-─-──·-──-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-;--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-│-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-───=+░ Net monkeys ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-\ ┌| Skylark : Incog : Psyber : Grooby : DINO : BiRDiE : MobilMan │┐ ││ Vampyre : TooSmooth : CyberJak : Dead^Head : English : [2F] l│ └ Hacir : Cheezer : MyM : KBM : X-Frog : UnEZ : DeepMiner : Cybrdeath |┘ ││ d-unknown : ScubaDude : Latitude : Temptation : CrazyLarry : Tane : Koko l│ ┌| aeonflux : Rumba : Rancid : phoxphyre : IronWolf :Homith : DaVinci │┐ \-─--─-─---─-─·∙─-─-───·-∙-──-─·─--─-∙-──--─∙·--∙·-─-──·-──-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-I--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-|-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ bbs dist. ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\ ;: UnEZ Rider :: MacDaddy :: ][ce l│ i│ HtlCalBBS :: Dark Knight :: Anjel :: Pancreas │l \-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--──-─·-─∙─-─-∙·---─-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-|--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-I-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─----·-∙-─--─=+░ AmazonWomen ░+=---─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\ │ Akasha :: No Fx Girl :: Babz :: Severina :: Kristina │ │ Anjel :: Damzel :: flwrbabe :: ShadowVLX :: Druyan :: Nitallica │ \-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--──-─·-─∙─-─-∙·---─-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-│--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-:-┐ /-─--──----·∙──---·-∙-─--─=+░ Artists/Coders ░+=-─-─-─∙·--∙·----─-─-──-─-─-\ | Reformed :: Cindi :: tHATDUDE :: kast :: Nop :: SiraX │ \-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--──-─·-─∙─-─-∙·---─-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-|--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-;-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ bbs info. ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\ ┌;Women's World East :: 100 Nodes & Inet :: 310 :: WLD HQ :: Wild Wendy │┐ |│ CHQ :: 8 Nodes & Inet Acc :: 216 :: EUS HQ :: UnEz Rider ;│ ││ Da' Crazy House :: 5 Nodes Ringdown :: 415 :: WUS HQ :: MacDaddy │| │: DNA Project '96 :: 6 Nodes Ringdown :: +61 :: AUS HQ :: DNA I│ i│ The Unknown :: 4 Nodes Ringdown :: +44 :: EUR HQ :: ][ce ;│ |│ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ││ l│ Devil's Pulpit :: 2 Nodes Ringdown :: 9o5 :: Member :: Skater Freak │; │| Hotel California :: 8 Nodes Ringdown :: :: Member :: Elevator Man │: ;l The Cross :: 3 Nodes Ringdown :: +61 :: Member :: Anjel |│ ││ ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown :: ??? :: Member :: ????? ││ :│ ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown :: ??? :: Member :: ????? l│ └│ ??????????????? :: ? Nodes Ringdown :: ??? :: Member :: ????? │┘ \-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--──-─·-─∙─-─-∙·---─-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-/ ┌-;--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-:-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ shoutouts ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\ ┌| Razor 1911 :: PWA :: MasQue :: fATE :: BoNG │┐ |│ Devotion :: IRN :: Nemesis :: PTM :: CORE ;│ └l Phrozen Crew :: Core :: VB5Warez |┘ \─-─-─--─--·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ personals ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─-─--─-─-─-─-─-/ ┌| Orion :: TMOD :: DrmWEaver :: LeoDLioN :: Winter Hawk :: Dogma ;┐ │l MasterGuru :: Jess :: YOS :: GodTrust :: Edge :: Marlenus :: Loiosh l│ /─-─-─--─--─-─·∙─-─-───·-∙-──-─·─--─-∙-──--─∙·--∙·-─-──·-──-─----─-─-─-─-\ ┌-l--─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-│-┐ /-─--─-─----·∙─-─---·-∙-─--─=+░ Couriers ░+=-─--─-─∙·--∙·-─--─-─-─-──-─-─-\ ┌| Devotion are the Official Couriers for Gorgeous Ladies of \\'arez :┐ ││ Spreading All that We release Da 31337 Way! ││ └; Phrozen Crew are the 31337 Cracking Affil ;┘ \-─--─-─---─-─·∙─-─-───·-∙-──-─·─--─-∙-──--─∙·--∙·-─-──·-──-─-─-─-─-──-─-─-/ /└----─--──-─--──--──---──-───--──---─-─-──-─--─--─-──---─-─-─--─-─-─-─-─-┘\ ┌│ GLoW (c) 1996 - Gorgeous Ladies of Warez │┐ |! "we release more than just eggs" ;│ :: updated (03/28/98) │| ││ i: │i (Special Note) l│ l│ ││ i: GLoW currently has openings for female or male suppliers & crackers! |i │: :│ |│ GLoW's Goddess's,Council,Seniors & Staff are Female ONLY! ││ ││ │i || * Ladies.. if your tired of being a "channel ornament" for a guy's │| :l group...Bring yourself and your skills to us and enjoy the fun! ;│ ││ * Hug's and Kiss's from all of us to our Hunny of the Month! ││ |│ │! │i Those not in the nfo: you know who you are and yes shouts to you too! |│ ;│ || │: Support the software companies! If you enjoy using a program or using a │: !| Util, consider buying it! Someone has to make it worth the programmer's ││ |│ effort to keep up the high standards. They made it, so they DESERVE it! :| └│ │┘ -─░∙─+=─+-─-─∙--─-░░--─∙─+─=─+-─░--=-∙·-──+=-─---─-░=---·-─-─=+─--─░--=+─·-∙·░─ Packaged with RipIt by CFA
▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▓██ ▓██▄▄███▄▓██▄▄▄█▓ ███ ███ ███ ▀██▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▀████ ████ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ████ ████ ████ ▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄ ████ ████ ████ ████ ████ if! █▓▓█ ███▀ █▓▓█ █▓▓█ █▓▓█ ███▀ █▓▓█ ████ ████ ███▀ █▒▒█ █▀ █▒▒█ █▒▒█ █▒▒█ ▄█▀ █▒▒█ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄█▀ █░░█▄▄ █░░█ █░░█ █░░█▄█▀ ▄█ █░░█ █░░█ █░░█ ▄█ █ █▀ █ █ █ █ █ █▀ ▄███ █ █ █ █ █ █ ▄███ █░░█ ▀▀▀▀ █░░█ █░░█ ▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀ █░░█ █░░█ ▀▀▀▀ ██ █▒▒█ █████████████ █▒▒█ █▒▒█ █████████████ █▒▒█ █▒▒█ █████████ █▓▓█ ▄▄▄▄ █▓▓█ █▓▓█ ▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄ █▓▓█ █▓▓█ ▄▄▄▄ █▓▓█ ▀███▄▄▄███▀ ████ ████ ▀███▄▄▄███▀ ▀███▄▄▄█████▄ ▄▄ ▄ █▓▓█ ▀███ █▓▓█ ▀█ ▀▀▀▀ ▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▓██ ▓██▄▄██▓ ▓██ ██▓ ▓██ ▓█ ██▓ ███ ▀██▄▄▄▄▄▄███▀▀███▄███ ██ ███ -*- THE FORCE TEAM -*- ╔═─────────────────────────────----··· ···---─────────────────────────────═╗ ║ ║ │ Proudly Presents │ │ │ │ Microsoft Plus 98 │ │ │ │ Supplier ............: The Force Team Type .....: Util │ │ Cracker .............: The Force Team Video ....: None │ │ Packager ............: The Force Team Audio ....: None │ │ Protection ..........: Serial Rating ...: [xxxxxxx ] │ │ Operating System.....: Win98 Date .....: [1998/05/19] │ │ System Requirements..: P75,16 MB Disks ....: │5 x 2.88 │ │ │ ║ ║ ╚═──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────═╝ │ │ │ Release notes: │ │ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ │ │ When Microsoft® Plus! 98 ships late in the second quarter of 1998 with │ │ the release of Windows® 98, it will make the best operating system for │ │ your computer even more efficient and fun. Microsoft Plus! 98 will bring │ │ you powerful system utilities, new desktop themes, and challenging games │ │ │ │ RIPPED: The Games. Some lame avi´s and PictureIT │ │ │ │ Install notes: │ │ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ │ │ Unpack with unrar.exe and execute setup.exe │ │ Serial: Fill it with 1´s │ │ │ ╚═──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────═╝ │ ╔═────────────────────────══[ Greets ]══───────────────────────═╗ │ │ ║ ║ │ │ │ Insanity, Rebels, Devotion, Risc, Siege, Ucf, F4CG, │ │ │ │ Razor, MnM, Premiere, Pentium and TFTISO. │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Busan, Go-Ku, mArXhz, MrSandman, Sneeze, Ezekill, Crazy, │ │ │ │ d-unknown, Milan, Black and all the other friends of TFT. │ │ │ │ │ │ │ ╚═─═╦═──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────═╦═─═╝ │ │ ╚═──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────═╝ │ ├─╗ ╔─┤ ││ ││ │║ Founder ║│ │╫─────────────── · · · ──═════════════════════── · · · ────────────────╫│ │║ ║│ ││ [■] Anakin [■] ││ ││ ││ │║ Leaders ║│ │╫─────────────── · · · ──═════════════════════── · · · ────────────────╫│ │║ ║│ ││ [■] Jaydee - Miramax [■] ││ ││ ││ │║ The Seniors ║│ │╫─────────────── · · · ──═════════════════════── · · · ────────────────╫│ │║ ║│ ││ [■] Outha - Wazup [■] ││ ││ ││ ││ Members ║│ │╢─────────────── · · · ──═════════════════════── · · · ────────────────╫│ │║ ║│ ││ Abaddon - Ahnberg - Buj - Dj Warp - El Maco - Flames ││ ││ Icetrain - iCeGanG - Kruzin - Merlin - Moomoo - Moz - Oxid ││ ││ Pixel - Tiamat - Trancer - Zimpzon - Zlikkah ││ ││ ││ │║ Couriers ║│ │╢─────────────── · · · ───────────────────────── · · · ────────────────╟│ │║ ║│ ││ [■] Allanon - Co-Caine - Fade - Pele - Rivendel - Skuz [■] ││ ││ ││ ││ [■] Joker - Monic - Native - Phasia [■] ││ ││ ││ ││ * NOTE: All Siteops are full members! * ││ │╚═──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────═╝│ ╘──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╛ │ ╔═─────────────══[ ■ Affiliated Boards & Sites ■ ]══──────────────═╗ │ │ ║ Wallstreet BBS ...... World HQ . Euro . WS STAFF ║ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Hades ............... World HQ . Euro . HDS Staff │ │ │ │ FireSite ............ Courier HQ . Euro . FS Staff │ │ │ │ Final Foundation .... European HQ . Euro . FF Staff │ │ │ │ Mos Eisley .......... Release HQ . Euro . ME Staff │ │ │ │ Absolute Zero ....... Swedish HQ . Euro . AZ Staff │ │ │ │ Blaze ............... Crackers HQ . Euro . BLZ Staff │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ Pipers Pit .......... Member site . US . PP Staff │ │ │ ║ ║ │ │ ╚═─═╦═──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────═╦═─═╝ │ │ ╚═──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────═╝ │ │ ╔═───────────────══[ Group News and Information ]══───────────────═╗ │ │ ║ ║ │ │ │ Welcome moomoo, buj, Kruzin, Tiamat and Pixel to the Force! │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ -[ TFT Leaders ]- │ │ │ ║ ║ │ │ ╚═─═╦═──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────═╦═─═╝ │ │ ╚═──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────═╝ │ │ │ │ ╔═───────────────══[ Why Not Contact Us ]══────────────────═╗ │ │ ║ ║ │ │ │ If you for any reason need to contact us, visit us at #TFT │ │ │ │ on EFNET │ │ └─═¹ ╠═─┘ │ At The Moment we're lookin for dedicated suppliers and │ │ crackers so if you want to apply, join #TFT and talk to │ │ any council or senior member. COURIERS NOT WANTED!!! │ ║ ║ ╚═─═╦═──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────═╦═─═╝ ║ .nfo last updated 980514 by Miramax ║ ╚═────────────═╦═────────────────────────────═╦═────────────═╝ ╚──────────────────────────────╝
Inclusions[edit | edit source]
- Deluxe CD Player
- 18 new desktop themes
- McAfee virus scanning features
- Disk cleanup tool
- ZIP extraction tool
- Maintenance wizard; used for scheduling system maintenance checks
- 3 new games; Golf 1998 Lite, Lose Your Marbles, Spider Solitaire
Some features made it later into Windows Me and Windows XP. The Deluxe CD Player is included in Windows 2000 build 1814 to Windows XP build 2433.