Microsoft Plus! 95 build 106 is a build of Microsoft Plus! 95. It contains updates to Internet Explorer 1.0 build 73, Pinball, and the System Agent no longer uses the Compression Agent task by default. The Release Notes references a bug that builds prior to build 469 can encounter "Registry Corruption" errors due to low memory.
NFO contents
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▀▓▀ ▐▓▒░ ░▄▀ ▀▓▀ ..R.Noble
█▓▒▒▒▀ ... Pirates With Attitudes
▄▓▓▀ Proudly Presents ...
│ ⌐ Windows Plus! Pack Build 106 Wednesday, May 24 1995 ¬ │
│ Supplier .....: Rifleman │ Type .....: Frosting for Win95 │
│ Cracker ......: - │ Video ....: - │
│ Packager .....: Gumby │ Audio ....: - │
│ Protection ...: - │ Rating ...: [*********-] │
Notes from Rifleman: To install, unzip to a dir, run setup from w/in win95
You'll need at least build 468.
This is basically frosting for your win95 cake.
It's pretty, but also has a internet explorer like
netscape which is pretty nice.
Enjoy this build.
Greets to Orion, Gumby, Disk Killer, Skybum, Snake, Code Breaker
Lord Logics, Patch, and all by friends on DBN3
-/ This is PWA -\
┐──────────────────┐────────────────────────────────────────-- - - ·· · ·
│ President .......│ Orion
└──────────────────┐────────-───- -- ·· ·· ·
│ Council .........│ Blackhawk, Dark Lord, Dream WEaver
│ │ Rambone, Satman, Snake
└──────────────────┐─────────────────--- - - · · ·· ·
│ Senior Members ..│ Drew, Gumby, Marlenus, Snidely Whiplash
└──────────────────┐─────────────────--- - - · · ·· ·
│ Members .........│ Charlie, Chowdery, Disk Killer, Gordon Gekko
│ │ Master of Disaster, Merlin, Mooncrow, Potsie
│ │ Skybum, Stoned, Technic, The Judge, War Master
└──────────────────┐─────────────────--- - - · · ·· ·
│ Affiliate .......│ Blackcat, Mass Murderer, Nemesis
│ Programmers ...│ Osiris, Timecop, Vigilante
└──────────────────┐─────────────────--- - - · · ·· ·
│ Couriers ........│ Biteman, Deliver, Godfather, Maverick
│ │ Prowler, Scimitar, Third Son, Vivid
│ ═════════════════════════════════════════════════─════─═───-──-─-- ·· · ·
PWA Boards
⌠ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
│ Bulletin Board Name······│ Status······Nodes │ AC· │ SysOp ·············· │
│ Snake's Place ·········· │ U.S. HQ ······[6] │ XXX │ Snake ·············· │
│ Obscene Phobia ········· │ Euro HQ ······[4] │ XXX │ The Judge ·········· │
│ Boner's Domain ········· │ Member Board ·[4] │ XXX │ Rambone ············ │
│ Origin Unknown ········· │ Member Board ·[2] │ XXX │ Satman ············· │
│ Silicon Phalanx ········ │ Member Board ·[1] │ XXX │ Drew ··············· │
│ Camelot Castle ········· │ Member Board ·[6] │ XXX │ Merlin ············· │
│ Damaged Or Defective ··· │ Affiliate ····[4] │ XXX │ White Noise········· │
│ U4EA ··················· │ Affiliate ····[2] │ XXX │ Quattro············· │
If you are going to do it ... Do it with an ATTITUDE!
Just when you thought it was safe to form a Util's Group, PWA back in 95'
* Please note that PWA is NOT accepting pay sites of any nature.. We're *
* in this for fun and entertainment, not to try to make ourselves rich. *
────────────────────────────────┤ Final Note ├─────────────────────────────────
║ Support the software companies! If you enjoy using a program or using a ║
║ Util, consider buying it! Someone's got to make it worth the programmer's ║
║ effort to keep up the high standards... They made it, so they DESERVE it! ║
Dangerous Creatures (Spanish)
Desktop after installation
Pinball with about dialog
Plus! tab in Desktop properties. cool.dll does not contain any high resolution icons yet in this build, thus all icons in Windows remain in their original 16 color versions.