Mac OS X Leopard build 9A283

Build of Mac OS X Leopard
Architecturei386, x86_64
Works in

Mac OS X Leopard build 9A283 is a build of Mac OS X Leopard. This build was released to Apple Developer Connection members on 12 October 2006, but was eventually lost.[1] As of 2025 it's yet to be found.

New features and changes[edit | edit source]

  • Resolution Independence has been added for high DPI displays.[2]
  • Safari 3 now includes anti-phishing warnings, similar to IE7.[3]
  • Basic editing features have been added to Preview.
  • iCal has been updated to no longer use the brushed metal design.
  • Parental Controls now include content filtering, app restrictions, and curfews.
  • Guest accounts can now be used.[4]
  • Print dialog boxes have been updated to be more compact by default.
  • Improvements to QuickTime, VoiceOver, and OpenGL.
  • List view in the Finder now displays items on top of alternating colored lines for easier reading.[4]

References[edit | edit source]